バッチ スクリプトは、if が一致する場合でも、else ステートメントを処理します (同様に処理されます)。どうしてこれなの?
set getprocesslistlocal=wmic process get name,processid
echo Type the name of the remote machine to view processes of (or type local for local machine), and press Enter.
set /P remotemachine=
if %remotemachine%==local (
) else (
echo Type the user name to access %remotemachine% with, then press Enter.
set /P remoteuser=
echo Type the password for %remoteuser% on %remotemachine%, then press Enter. (Will be displayed in plaintext)
set /P remotepassword=
set getprocesslistremote=wmic /node %remotemachine% /user:%remoteuser% /password:%remotepass% process get name,processid
echo End of list.
echo Type the process id and hit Enter.
set /P killid=
if %remotemachine%==local (
wmic process where processid="%killid%" call terminate
) else (
wmic /node %remotemachine% /user:%remoteuser% /password:%remotepass% process where processid="%killid%" call terminate
echo Process id %killid% terminated. Press Enter to exit.