問題は、Netbean プロジェクト プロパティの使用可能なエンコードのドロップダウン リストに、DOS 文字セットの名前のいずれかと一致するエンコードが表示されないことです。Netbean PHP をインストールしましたが、違いはないと思います。


1 に答える 1


In a strict sense :
This character set was not conceived as a code page.

It was simply the graphical glyph repertoire available in the original IBM PC.

This character set remains the primary font in the core of any EGA and VGA-compatible graphics card.
Text shown when a PC reboots, before any other font can be loaded from a storage medium.

The standards ISO 8859, currently defined in 15 different 8-bit character sets for information exchange. The structure of the character set corresponding to the first 128 positions of the characters of the 7-bit ASCII character set.

ISO 8859-1 is next to US-ASCII and UTF-8, the most important and most frequently used character set. And the best choice to use it in Netbeans as a 437 replacement.

于 2013-05-16T01:17:11.897 に答える