var photoTemplate, resource;
function init(){
photoTemplate = _.template($('#photo-template').html());
function toTemplate(photo){
photo = {
count: photo.likes.count,
avatar: photo.user.profile_picture,
photo: photo.images.low_resolution.url,
url: photo.link
return photoTemplate(photo);
function toScreen(photos){
var photos_html = '';
$('.paginate a').attr('data-max-tag-id', photos.pagination.next_max_id)
$.each(photos.data, function(index, photo){
photos_html += toTemplate(photo);
function generateResource(tag){
var config = Instagram.Config, url;
if(typeof tag === 'undefined'){
throw new Error("Resource requires a tag. Try searching for cats.");
} else {
// Make sure tag is a string, trim any trailing/leading whitespace and take only the first
// word, if there are multiple.
tag = String(tag).trim().split(" ")[0];
url = config.apiHost + "/v1/tags/" + tag + "/media/recent?callback=?&client_id=" + config.clientID;
return function(max_id){
var next_page;
if(typeof max_id === 'string' && max_id.trim() !== '') {
next_page = url + "&max_id=" + max_id;
return next_page || url;
function paginate(max_id){
$.getJSON(generateUrl(tag), toScreen);
function search(tag){
resource = generateResource(tag);
$('.paginate a').hide();
$('#photos-wrap *').remove();
function fetchPhotos(max_id){
$.getJSON(resource(max_id), toScreen);
function bindEventHandlers(){
$('body').on('click', '.paginate a.btn', function(){
var tagID = $(this).attr('data-max-tag-id');
return false;
// Bind an event handler to the `submit` event on the form
$('form').on('submit', function(e){
// Stop the form from fulfilling its destinty.
// Extract the value of the search input text field.
var tag = $('input.search-tag').val().trim();
// Invoke `search`, passing `tag` (unless tag is an empty string).
if(tag) {
function showPhoto(p){
// Public API
Instagram.App = {
search: search,
showPhoto: showPhoto,
init: init
// Start with a search on yogofactory; we all love frozen yogurt :).
次に、HTML ファイルに移動し、これを中心にギャラリーを構築します
<script type="text/template" id="photo-template">
<div class='photo'>
<img class='main' src='<%= photo %>' width='250' height='250' style='display:none;' onload='Instagram.App.showPhoto(this);' />
<img class='avatar' width='40' height='40' src='<%= avatar %>' />
<span class='heart'><strong><%= count %></strong></span>
JS や jQuery に関しては、私は経験がありません。<div class="photo">
Instagram データベースから動的に取得する大きなギャラリーのギャラリーがあります。基本的に、プロモーション用に作成したハッシュ タグ ルールに従わない特定の写真を非表示にできるようにしたいと考えています。