if ( isset( $_POST['text'] ) ) { # Find out if the form had been submitted
$text = $_POST['text']; # If so then store the submitted text in the $text var
if ( isset( $_POST['previous'] ) ) { # Find out if there were any previous inputs
$current = $_POST['previous'] . "," . $_POST['text']; # If there were then pop the latest one on the end of the previous ones with a comma and make that our current set of text
} else {
$current = $_POST['text']; # Otherwise the current set of text just comprises our most recently input text
if ( isset( $_POST['text'] ) ) { # Find out if some text was input
$text_arr = explode(",", $current); # If it was then take our current set of text and make an array from it
echo "<ul>"; # Start the list
foreach ( $text_arr as $text ) { # For each item of text that has previously been input
echo "<li>".$text."</li>"; # Print out the list item with the text in it
echo "</ul>"; # End our list
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
<?php if ( isset( $_POST['text'] ) ) { ?> # If the previous form submitted some text
<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="<?php echo $current ?>" /> # Store it in a hidden input field to be submitted later
<?php } ?>
Name: <input type="text" name="text" /><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
したがって、これは必要なことを行いますが、データベースに保存する必要はありません。データベースへの保存が目的である場合は、MySQL について調査するか、リスト アイテムを永続的に保存する他の方法を検討することをお勧めします。