Nhibernate で名前付きクエリを使用してプロシージャを呼び出すときに問題に直面しています。単純なプロシージャ/パラメータ化されたプロシージャを簡単に呼び出すことができますが、3 つの引数を受け入れるプロシージャがあります。最後はビットタイプです。
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ar_tARCustomer_ReadAccount_ForBalanceDetail]
@CustomerList varchar(max),
@AsOfDate varchar(50),
@PostedOnly bit
Declare @ErrorNumber int
Declare @SQL varchar(max)
Declare @PostedInvoice varchar(50)
Declare @PostedPayment varchar(200)
SET @PostedInvoice = ''
SET @PostedPayment= ''
IF (@PostedOnly = 1)
SET @PostedInvoice = ' And ari.fIsPosted = 1 '
SET @PostedPayment = ' And pay.fIsPosted =
CASE pay.fPaymentType
Set @SQL =
select * from
Select Distinct
co.fName as fTrxCompanyName, prop.fName as fTrxPropertyName, arc.fName as fTrxCustomerName,
cast(ari.fARInvoiceNumber as varchar(10)) as fTrxNumber,
ari.fInvoiceDescription as fTrxDescription,
ari.fIsVoided as fTrxIsVoided,
CASE fInvoiceType
WHEN ''Credit Memo'' THEN fBalance
WHEN ''Early Payment Discount'' THEN fBalance
ELSE fAmount
END as fTrxAmount
From tARInvoice ari
Inner Join tARCustomer arc on arc.fCustomerID = ari.fCustomerID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tSCCompany co on co.fCompanyID = arc.fCompanyID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tSCProperty prop on prop.fPropertyID = arc.fPropertyID
Where ari.fCustomerID in (' + @CustomerList + ') and
ari.fInvoiceDate >= convert(datetime,'+ '''' + @AsOfDate + '''' + ') and
ari.fInvoiceType <> ''Recurring Template''' + @PostedInvoice + '
Union All
Select Distinct
co.fName as fTrxCompanyName, prop.fName as fTrxPropertyName, cust.fName as fTrxCustomerName,
''Payment'' as fTrxType,
pay.fComments as fTrxDescription,
pay.fIsVoided as fTrxIsVoided,
pay.fAmount as fTrxAmount
From tARPayment pay
Left Outer Join tARPaymentInvoice payinv On pay.fPaymentID = payinv.fPaymentID
Left Outer Join tARInvoice inv On payinv.fInvoiceID = inv.fARInvoiceID
Left Outer Join tARCustomer cust on cust.fCustomerID = pay.fCustomerID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tSCCompany co on co.fCompanyID = cust.fCompanyID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tSCProperty prop on prop.fPropertyID = cust.fPropertyID
Where (inv.fCustomerID IN (' + @CustomerList +')
OR (pay.fCustomerID IN (' + @CustomerList +') AND (inv.fCustomerID NOT IN (' + @CustomerList +') OR inv.fCustomerID IS NULL))
OR ((pay.fCustomerID IS NULL OR pay.fCustomerID NOT IN (' + @CustomerList +')) AND inv.fCustomerID IN (' + @CustomerList +')))
and pay.fEffectiveDate >= convert(datetime,' + '''' + @AsOfDate + '''' + ')' + @PostedPayment + '
Union All
-- Get the voided payments only with the reversed payment amount and the voided description
Select Distinct
co.fName as fTrxCompanyName, prop.fName as fTrxPropertyName, cust.fName as fTrxCustomerName,
''Payment'' as fTrxType,
pay.fVoidedDate as fTrxAddedDate,
pay.fUnappliedAmount as fTrxBalance,
cast(pay.fCheckNumber as varchar(10)) as fTrxNumber,
''Voided Early Payment Discount #'' + cast(pay.fCheckNumber as varchar(10)) as fTrxDescription,
pay.fIsVoided as fTrxIsVoided,
(-1 * pay.fAmount) as fTrxAmount
From tARPayment pay
Left Outer Join tARPaymentInvoice payinv On pay.fPaymentID = payinv.fPaymentID
Left Outer Join tARInvoice inv On payinv.fInvoiceID = inv.fARInvoiceID
Left Outer Join tARCustomer cust on cust.fCustomerID = pay.fCustomerID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tSCCompany co on co.fCompanyID = cust.fCompanyID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tSCProperty prop on prop.fPropertyID = cust.fPropertyID
Where (inv.fCustomerID IN (' + @CustomerList +')
OR (pay.fCustomerID IN (' + @CustomerList +') AND (inv.fCustomerID NOT IN (' + @CustomerList +') OR inv.fCustomerID IS NULL))
OR ((pay.fCustomerID IS NULL OR pay.fCustomerID NOT IN (' + @CustomerList +')) AND inv.fCustomerID IN (' + @CustomerList +')))
and pay.fIsVoided = 1
and pay.fVoidedDate >= convert(datetime,' + '''' + @AsOfDate + '''' + ')'
+ @PostedPayment + '
) X
Where fTrxAmount IS NOT NULL
Order By fTrxCompanyName, fTrxPropertyName, fTrxAddedDate
Exec (@SQL)
--print (@SQL)
RETURN (@@Error)
<sql-query name="ar_tARCustomer_ReadAccount_ForBalanceDetail_New" callable="true">
<!--<query-param name="CustomerList" type="VARCHAR(max)" />
<query-param name="AsOfDate" type="string" />
<query-param name="PostedOnly" type="bool" />-->
<return class="tARCustomer">
<return-property column="fTrxCompanyName" name="fTrxCompanyName" />
<return-property column="fTrxPropertyName" name="fTrxPropertyName" />
<return-property column="fTrxCustomerName" name="fTrxCustomerName" />
<return-property column="fCustomerID" name="fTrxCustomerID" />
<return-property column="fTrxSourceID" name="fTrxSourceID" />
<return-property column="fInvoicePosted" name="fInvoicePosted" />
<return-property column="fTrxDate" name="fTrxDate" />
<return-property column="fPostedDate" name="fPostedDate" />
<return-property column="fTrxType" name="fTrxType" />
<return-property column="fTrxDueDate" name="fTrxDueDate" />
<return-property column="fTrxAddedDate" name="fTrxAddedDate" />
<return-property column="fTrxBalance" name="fTrxBalance" />
<return-property column="fTrxDescription" name="fTrxDescription" />
<return-property column="fTrxIsVoided" name="fTrxIsVoided" />
<return-property column="fTrxAmount" name="fTrxAmount" />
exec ar_tARCustomer_ReadAccount_ForBalanceDetail_New
var Customerbalance = Session.GetNamedQuery("ar_tARCustomer_ReadAccount_ForBalanceDetail_New")
.SetParameter("CustomerList", "'''bced443a-ce86-4675-bca6-ae5646ad9c2e'' , ''bced443a-ce86-4675-bca6-ae5646ad9c2e'''")
.SetParameter("AsOfDate", "10/1/2012")
.SetParameter("PostedOnly", PostedOnly)
.SetResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(typeof(tARCustomer))).List<tARCustomer>();
ここでは、NHibernate を使用してパラメーターをプロシージャーに渡すためのすべてのタイプの組み合わせを試しましたが、常にクラッシュしました。