

道路のある地域を追加する、または既存の地域を編集する Web ページをプロジェクトに追加しようとしています。

SelectOneMenu のみを削除すると、ページが読み込まれ、地域 (道路なし) が送信されることがわかりましたが、SelectOneMenu で間違いを見つけることができませんでした

調査したところ、ボタンがフォームを検証するときの検証エラーが問題の原因であることがわかりました。ソース 1:リンク


AddRegion.xhtml の本体コードは次のとおりです。


    <ui:composition template="./Templates/AdministrationTemplate.xhtml">
        <!-- side menu -->
        <ui:define name="menu">
            <ui:include src="./Templates/RegionMenu.xhtml"/>

        <ui:define name="content">
                <!-- Region id for editing an existing region -->
                <f:viewParam name="regionid" value="#{addRegionBean.regionid}" required="false"/>
                            <p:outputLabel value="Naam: "/>
                            <p:inputText value="#{addRegionBean.name}"/>
                            <p:outputLabel value="Start datum: "/>
                            <p:calendar value="#{addRegionBean.startDate}" showOn="button"/>
                            <p:outputLabel value="Tarief: "/>
                            <p:inputText value="#{addRegionBean.rate}"/>
                            <p:outputLabel value="Tarief type: "/>
                            <p:selectOneMenu value="#{addRegionBean.rateType}">
                                <f:selectItems value="#{addRegionBean.rateList}"/>
                            <h:outputText value="&lt;br/&gt;" escape="false" />
                        <td><p:outputLabel value="Wegen: "/>
                            <p:dataTable value="#{addRegionBean.roads}" var="road">
                                <p:column headerText="Regio ID + naam" >
                                    <p:commandLink value="#{road.roadID}"/>
                                <p:column headerText="Lengte" >
                                    <p:outputLabel value="#{road.distance}"/>
                                <p:column headerText="Maximum snelheid" >
                                    <p:outputLabel value="#{road.maxSpeed}"/>
                            <!-- This is where it goes wrong, when only the SelectOneMenu is removed, the buttons work -->
                            <p:outputLabel value="Voeg een weg toe: " rendered="#{addRegionBean.askAddview()}" /> <br/>
                            <p:selectOneMenu converter="roadConverter" value="#{addRegionBean.selectedRoad}" rendered="#{addRegionBean.askAddview()}">  
                                <f:selectItems value="#{addRegionBean.giveAllRoads()}" var="selRoad" itemLabel="#{selRoad.roadID}" itemValue="#{selRoad}"/>
                            </p:selectOneMenu> <br/>
                            <p:commandButton value="Voeg toe" action="#{addRegionBean.addRoadToRegion}" rendered="#{addRegionBean.askAddview()}"/>
                            <p:commandButton value="#{addRegionBean.submitSort}" action="#{addRegionBean.addRegion()}" />

Bean のコードは次のとおりです。

package BillingAdministrationSystem.beans;

import Common.Administration.Enum.ERateType;
import Common.Administration.IRegion;
import Common.Communication.Interfaces.IRegionService;
import Common.Communication.Interfaces.IRoadService;
import Common.TrafficManagement.IRoad;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;

@Named(value = "addRegionBean")
public class AddRegionBean implements Serializable {

private double rate;
private ERateType rateType;
private Date startDate;
private long regionid;
private String name;
private IRegion region = null;
private List<IRoad> allRoads;
private List<IRoad> roads = new ArrayList<IRoad>();
private IRoad selectedRoad = null;
private IRegionService service;
private IRoadService roadService;

public void init() {
    rate = 0;
    rateType = ERateType.CORDON;
    startDate = new Date();

 * Adds or changes a region. called in the xhtml.
public void addRegion() {
    if (region != null) {
    } else {
        service.addRegion(name, rate, rateType, startDate, roads);
        //region = service.getRegion(regionid);

 * Saves changes to the region.
public void ChangeRegion() {
    service.changeBaseRate(regionid, rate, rateType, startDate);

 * Gets the text for the submit button.
 * @return returns "toevoegen" if this is a new region and "opslaan" if it is a region change.
public String getSubmitSort() {
    if (askAddview()) {
        return "Toevoegen";
    } else {
        return "Opslaan";

 * @return Returns true if the region is loaded and thus is not a new region.
public boolean askAddview() {
    return (region == null ? true : false);

public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;

public String getName() {
    return this.name;

 * Gets a list of the possible rate sorts.
 * @return List with "Cordon" and "Corridor" in it.
public List<String> getRateList() {
    List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
    return strings;

public double getRate() {
    return rate;

public void setRate(double rate) {
    this.rate = rate;

public String getRateType() {
    return rateType.toString();

public void setRateType(String rateType) {
    if (rateType.equals("Cordon")) {
        this.rateType = ERateType.CORDON;
    } else if (rateType.equals("Corridor")) {
        this.rateType = ERateType.CORRIDOR;
    } else {
        System.out.println("Could not find rateType!");

public Date getStartDate() {
    return startDate;

public void setStartDate(Date startDate) {
    this.startDate = startDate;

public String getRegionid() {
    return regionid + "";

public void setRegionid(String regionid) {
    this.regionid = Long.parseLong(regionid);

    System.out.println("Region ID is: " + regionid);

 * Sets the fields of the region if a region which must be edited is
 * specified.
private void setallFields() {
    if (regionid != 0) {
        region = service.getRegion(regionid);
        rate = region.getCurrentBaseRate().getBaseRateID();
        startDate = region.getCurrentBaseRate().getStartDate();
        rateType = region.getCurrentBaseRate().getType();
        roads = region.getRoads();
        name = region.getRegionName();

public List<IRoad> getRoads() {
    return roads;

public void setRoads(List<IRoad> roads) {
    this.roads = roads;

public IRoad getSelectedRoad() {
    if (selectedRoad != null) {
        System.out.println("Getting selected road " + selectedRoad.getRoadID());
    } else {
        System.out.println("Getting selected road which is NULL.");
        if (allRoads != null) {
            selectedRoad = (IRoad) allRoads.get(0);
        } else{
            System.out.println("SelectedRoad and allRoads are NULL.");
    return selectedRoad;

public void setSelectedRoad(IRoad selectedRoad) {
    System.out.println("Setting selected road " + selectedRoad.getRoadID());
    this.selectedRoad = selectedRoad;

 * Gives all available roads.
 * @return all roads in the system.
public List<IRoad> giveAllRoads() {
    return allRoads;

 * fills the allRoads variable with all the roads reachable by the roadService.
private void InitAllRoads()
   allRoads = roadService.getRoads();

 * Adds the currently selected road to the region.
public void AddRoadToRegion() {
    if (selectedRoad != null) {
        System.out.println("Adding road " + selectedRoad.getRoadID());
    } else {
        System.out.println("Cannot add road to region, selectedRoad is NULL!");

私の正確な質問は次のとおりです。フォーム内のボタンが機能しなくなる SelectOneMenu で何が間違っているのですか?


Netbeans 7.2.1
Glassfish 3.1.2
Primefaces 3.5



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