30, 12, 49, 6, 10, 50, 13
[10, 6, 30, 12, 49, 13, 50]
- 6 は 10 と 30 の両方より小さく、
- 49 は 12 や 13 などよりも大きくなります。
このアルゴリズムはO(n log n)
数値が明確でない場合、解がない可能性があります (たとえば、数値がすべて等しい場合)。
For even length lists:
(For our odd length example,
put 30 aside to make the list even)
1. Split the list into chunks of 2 => [[12,49],[6,10],[50,13]]
2. Sort each chunk => [[12,49],[6,10],[13,50]]
3. Reverse-sort the chunks by
comparing the last element of
one to the first element of
the second => [[12,49],[13,50],[6,10]]
For odd length lists:
4. Place the removed first element in
the first appropriate position => [30,12,49,13,50,6,10]
Haskell コード:
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
rearrange :: [Int] -> [Int]
rearrange xs
| even (length xs) = rearrangeEven xs
| null (drop 1 xs) = xs
| otherwise = place (head xs) (rearrangeEven (tail xs))
where place x (y1:y2:ys)
| (x < y1 && y1 > y2) || (x > y1 && y1 < y2) = (x:y1:y2:ys)
| otherwise = place' x (y1:y2:ys)
place' x (y1:y2:ys)
| (x < y1 && x < y2) || (x > y1 && x > y2) = (y1:x:y2:ys)
| otherwise = y1 : (place' x (y2:ys))
rearrangeEven = concat
. sortBy (\a b -> compare (head b) (last a))
. map sort
. chunksOf 2
*Main> rearrange [30,12,49,6,10,50,13]
*Main> rearrange [1,2,3,4]