XML 出力を生成する SQL Server にクエリがあります。

C# を使用して同じ結果を生成したい。出来ますか??


select T1_1.HomeID as [@HomeID],
  select T1_2.DayID as [@ID],
  ( select T2.RndString+' '+left(T1_3.TimeValue, 5) as '*'
    from TB1 as T1_3
    inner join TB2 as T2 on T1_3.DayID = T2.DayType 
    and T1_3.TimeCode = T2.StringCode
    where T1_2.HomeID = T1_3.HomeID 
    and T1_2.DayID = T1_3.DayID
    order by T2.StringCode
    for xml path('String'), type)
    from TB1 as T1_2
    where T1_2.HomeID = T1_1.HomeID
    group by T1_2.DayID,T1_2.HomeID
    order by T1_2.DayID
    for xml path('Day'), type )
    from TB1 as T1_1
    group by T1_1.HomeID
    order by T1_1.HomeID
    for xml path('Person'), root('Persons')

これに関する詳細については、私の以前の投稿を参照してください。SQL Server の複数のテーブルから XML を生成します



    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    namespace SQL__
        static class Program
            /// <summary>
            /// The main entry point for the application.
            /// </summary>
            static void Main()
                // Create a String to hold the database connection string.
                // NOTE: Put in a real database connection string here or runtime won't work
                string sdwConnectionString = @"Data Source=IE1ADTBD5ZL1S\;Initial Catalog=RecommendEngine;Integrated Security=True";

                // Create a connection
                SqlConnection sdwDBConnection = new SqlConnection(sdwConnectionString);

                // Open the connection

                // To generate XML File using C# from SQL Server Data

                using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter())
                    da.SelectCommand.CommandText = @"select T1_1.HomeID as [@HomeID],
                                                       select T1_2.DayID as [@ID],
                                                               select T2.RndString+' '+left(T1_3.TimeValue, 5) as '*'
                                                               from TB1 as T1_3
                                                                 inner join TB2 as T2
                                                                   on T1_3.DayID = T2.DayType and
                                                                      T1_3.TimeCode = T2.StringCode
                                                               where T1_2.HomeID = T1_3.HomeID and
                                                                     T1_2.DayID = T1_3.DayID
                                                               order by T2.StringCode
                                                               for xml path('String'), type
                                                       from TB1 as T1_2
                                                       where T1_2.HomeID = T1_1.HomeID
                                                       group by T1_2.DayID,
                                                       order by T1_2.DayID
                                                       for xml path('Day'), type
                                                     from TB1 as T1_1
                                                     group by T1_1.HomeID
                                                     order by T1_1.HomeID
                                                     for xml path('Person'), root('Persons')";
                    da.SelectCommand.Connection = new SqlConnection("sdwDBConnection");

                    string xml = "";
                    using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())

                        if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                            xml = ds.GetXml();

                // Close the connection


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