昨日まで、次のコードを実行してユーザーの google+ プロファイルで共有することができましたが、今日突然、コンソール ログに[GPPShareBuilderImpl getURL] |setURLToShare:| must be called for call-to-action to work
コード :
[GPPShare sharedInstance].delegate = self;
id<GPPShareBuilder> shareBuilder = [[GPPShare sharedInstance] shareDialog];
// This line will manually fill out the title, description, and thumbnail of the
// item you're sharing.
[shareBuilder setTitle:@"AppName"
description:@"App description."
thumbnailURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://www.example.com/image.png"]];
/* This line passes the deepLinkID to our application
if somebody opens the link on a supported mobile device */
[shareBuilder setContentDeepLinkID:@"post"];
// set the text of post. user can edit this before sharing.
[shareBuilder setPrefillText:@"I just created a trip from XYZ app."];
// This will create a call-to-action button with the specified label.
// - URL specifies where people will go if they click the button on a platform
// that doesn't support deep linking.
// - deepLinkID specifies the deep-link identifier that is passed to your native
// application on platforms that do support deep linking
[shareBuilder setCallToActionButtonWithLabel:@"Install"
URL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.example.com/"]
[shareBuilder open];
Google+ のドキュメント(Share without URL
セクション) によると、代わりに以下のメソッドを使用できますsetURLToShare:
[shareBuilder setTitle:@"title"
これに関連するものは Google+ で見つかりませんでした。アプリを削除して再インストールしてみました。どうすればいいですか?