import javabook.*;
class Triangle
//Private Variables
private double theBase;
private double theHeight;
private double theArea; //base and height = Area is enough calculation
//............................................................ // same name as the class and the file name
public Triangle()
public Triangle( OutputBox oBox, MainWindow mWindow )
this.theHeight=0; this.theArea=0; //This is a proof that the area of any triangle is 1/2 b x h’ of a base and height and the ‘area of a triangle is half of the base times the height’.
public void calculateArea ()
InputBox iBox = new InputBox(mWindow);
this.theBase = iBox.getDouble("Please enter the length of the base of the triangle ");
this.theHeight = iBox.getDouble("Please enter the height of the triangle");
oBox.println(" The area of a triangle of base : " + this.theBase+ " and height : " + this.theHeight +" is equal to : "+ this.theArea );
// METHODS - behaviours
public void computeArea()
this.theArea = (this.theBase / 2 ) * this.theHeight;
// METHODS - gets (accessors) and sets (mutators)
public void setThebase(double base)
this.theBase= base;
public double getTheBase()
public void setTheHeight(double height)
this.theHeight= height;
public double getTheHeight()
public double getTheArea()
this.theBase = iBox.getDouble("三角形の底辺の長さを入力してください"); 私が省略したことを指摘してくれる人はいますか?私はJavaを学んでおり、間違いを犯す運命にあるので、優しくしてください。
これは、偽の { 文字を修正した後の改訂されたエラー メッセージです。
]./ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable mWindow
location: class Triangle
InputBox iBox = new InputBox(mWindow);
./ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable oBox
location: class Triangle
oBox.println(" The area of a triangle of base : " + this.theBase+ " and height : " + this.theHeight +" is equal to : "+ this.theArea );
更新された 4 つのエラー:
./ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable oBox
location: class Triangle
this.oBox = oBox;
./ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable mWindow
location: class Triangle
this.mWindow = mWindow; //This is a proof that the area of any triangle is 1/2 b x h’ of a base and height and the ‘area of a triangle is half of the base times the height’.
./ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable mwindow
location: class Triangle
InputBox iBox = new InputBox(mwindow);
./ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable oBox
location: class Triangle
oBox.println(" The area of a triangle of base : " + this.theBase+ " and height : " + this.theHeight +" is equal to : "+ this.theArea );
Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
4 errors