RestSharp が特定の JSON 結果を逆シリアル化できるように、POCO クラスを構築しようとしています。問題は、ルート オブジェクトに nb_results キーと他のキーの辞書 ("0:"、"1:" など、それぞれが複雑な値を持つ) の両方が含まれていることです。

Dictionary(Of Integer, mediaGalleryData) と Dictionary(Of String, mediaGalleryData) の両方を試しました。どちらも機能しません。nb_results は常にシリアライズしますが、ディクショナリは決してシリアライズしません。

  "nb_results": 2,
  "0": {
    "id": 51976254,
    "title": "Bumblebee species Bombus terrestris",
    "media_type_id": 1,
    "creator_name": "paulrommer",
    "creator_id": 201446851,
    "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/51\/97\/62\/110_F_51976254_dVCbgGVey5xEuLkvk1e4vhnmPqxI4J0X.jpg",
    "thumbnail_html_tag": "<img src=\"http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/51\/97\/62\/110_F_51976254_dVCbgGVey5xEuLkvk1e4vhnmPqxI4J0X.jpg\" alt=\"Bumblebee species Bombus terrestris\" title=\"Photo: Bumblebee species Bombus terrestris\" width=\"110\" height=\"73\" \/>",
    "thumbnail_width": 110,
    "thumbnail_height": 73,
    "affiliation_link": "http:\/\/api.fotolia.com\/id\/51976254",
    "thumbnail_30_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/51\/97\/62\/30_F_51976254_dVCbgGVey5xEuLkvk1e4vhnmPqxI4J0X.jpg",
    "thumbnail_30_width": 30,
    "thumbnail_30_height": 20,
    "thumbnail_110_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/51\/97\/62\/110_F_51976254_dVCbgGVey5xEuLkvk1e4vhnmPqxI4J0X.jpg",
    "thumbnail_110_width": 110,
    "thumbnail_110_height": 73,
    "thumbnail_400_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/51\/97\/62\/400_F_51976254_dVCbgGVey5xEuLkvk1e4vhnmPqxI4J0X.jpg",
    "thumbnail_400_width": 400,
    "thumbnail_400_height": 267,
    "licenses": [
        "name": "XS",
        "price": 1
        "name": "S",
        "price": 3
        "name": "M",
        "price": 5
        "name": "L",
        "price": 7
        "name": "XL",
        "price": 8
        "name": "XXL",
        "price": 10
        "name": "X",
        "price": 100
  "1": {
    "id": 44488015,
    "title": "Vintage Style Birds, Bees and Banners Vector Set",
    "media_type_id": 3,
    "creator_name": "artnerdluxe",
    "creator_id": 203491263,
    "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/44\/48\/80\/110_F_44488015_hvEpYPw8yILDsnAi6BChYWXtzmiH6jWd.jpg",
    "thumbnail_html_tag": "<img src=\"http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/44\/48\/80\/110_F_44488015_hvEpYPw8yILDsnAi6BChYWXtzmiH6jWd.jpg\" alt=\"Vintage Style Birds, Bees and Banners Vector Set\" title=\"Vector: Vintage Style Birds, Bees and Banners Vector Set\" width=\"105\" height=\"110\" \/>",
    "thumbnail_width": 105,
    "thumbnail_height": 110,
    "affiliation_link": "http:\/\/api.fotolia.com\/id\/44488015",
    "thumbnail_30_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/44\/48\/80\/30_F_44488015_hvEpYPw8yILDsnAi6BChYWXtzmiH6jWd.jpg",
    "thumbnail_30_width": 29,
    "thumbnail_30_height": 30,
    "thumbnail_110_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/44\/48\/80\/110_F_44488015_hvEpYPw8yILDsnAi6BChYWXtzmiH6jWd.jpg",
    "thumbnail_110_width": 105,
    "thumbnail_110_height": 110,
    "thumbnail_400_url": "http:\/\/t1.ftcdn.net\/jpg\/00\/44\/48\/80\/400_F_44488015_hvEpYPw8yILDsnAi6BChYWXtzmiH6jWd.jpg",
    "thumbnail_400_width": 380,
    "thumbnail_400_height": 400,
    "licenses": [
        "name": "XS",
        "price": 1
        "name": "S",
        "price": 3
        "name": "M",
        "price": 5
        "name": "L",
        "price": 7
        "name": "XL",
        "price": 8
        "name": "XXL",
        "price": 10
        "name": "V",
        "price": 5
        "name": "XV",
        "price": 40


Public Class mediaGallery
    Public Property nb_results As Integer
    Public Property results As Dictionary(Of String, mediaGalleryData)
End Class
Public Class mediaGalleryData
    Public Property id As Integer
    Public Property title As String
    Public Property creator_name As String
    Public Property creator_id As Integer
    Public Property media_type_id As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_url As String
    Public Property thumbnail_width As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_height As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_html_tag As String
    Public Property thumbnail_30_url As String
    Public Property thumbnail_30_width As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_30_height As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_110_url As String
    Public Property thumbnail_110_width As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_110_height As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_400_url As String
    Public Property thumbnail_400_width As Integer
    Public Property thumbnail_400_height As Integer
    Public Property licenses As List(Of licensedata)
End Class
Public Class licensedata
    Public Property name As String
    Public Property price As Integer
End Class


Public Function getUserGalleryMedias(page As Integer?, nb_per_page As Integer?, thumbnail_size As Integer?, id As String, detail_level As Integer?) As mediaGallery
    Dim request = New RestRequest("user/getUserGalleryMedias", Method.GET)
    If page.HasValue Then request.AddParameter("page", page.Value)
    If nb_per_page.HasValue Then request.AddParameter("nb_per_page", nb_per_page.Value)
    If thumbnail_size.HasValue Then request.AddParameter("thumbnail_size", thumbnail_size.Value)
    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(id) Then request.AddParameter("id", id)
    If detail_level.HasValue Then request.AddParameter("detail_level", detail_level.Value)

    Return Execute(Of mediaGallery)(request)
End Function

1 に答える 1



wiki のRestSharp ドキュメントで提案されているように (ただし、あまり説明されていません)、IDeserializerこのクラスを特別に処理するように実装しました。RestSharp 内SimpleJsonでマークされているため、Web サイトに個別に追加する必要がありました。Friendそして、デシリアライザーを RestClient のハンドラーとして登録する代わりに、デシリアライザーがすべてのクラスを処理する必要がありましたExecute(Of T)が、T が厄介なクラスである 1 つのケースだけのために、API クラスのメソッド内で呼び出しました。

Execute(Of T)メソッド:

Public Function Execute(Of T As New)(request As RestRequest) As T
    Dim client = New RestClient()

    ' set up client with authenticator
    client.BaseUrl = BaseURL
    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sessionID) Then
        client.Authenticator = New HttpBasicAuthenticator(_apikey, "")
        client.Authenticator = New HttpBasicAuthenticator(_apikey, _sessionID)
    End If

    ' used on every request
    Dim response = client.Execute(Of T)(request)

    ' Check for exceptions or bad status code
    If response.ErrorException IsNot Nothing Then
        Throw response.ErrorException
    ElseIf response.StatusCode > 299 Then
        If response.Content.StartsWith("{""error""") Then
            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Status {0} {1} : {2}", response.StatusCode, response.StatusDescription, response.Content))
            Throw New HttpException(response.StatusCode, response.StatusDescription)
        End If
    End If

    ' Handle troublesome class
    If GetType(T).Equals(GetType(mediaGallery)) Then
        Dim fjs As New fotoliaJSONDeSerializer
        response.Data = fjs.Deserialize(Of T)(response)
    End If

    Return response.Data
End Function

デシリアライザー クラス:

    ''' <summary>
    ''' specific to the FotoliaAPI.mediaGallery we actually want to handle
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="response"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Function DeserializeMediaLibrary(response As IRestResponse) As FotoliaAPI.mediaGallery
        Dim result As New FotoliaAPI.mediaGallery

        ' turn to an iDictionary so we can readily enumerate keys
        Dim j As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = CType(SimpleJSON.SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(response.Content), IDictionary(Of String, Object))

        For Each key In j.Keys
            ' this top level key is a direct property
            If key = "nb_results" Then
                result.nb_results = j(key)
                ' all other keys become members of the list.
                ' Turn the value back to a string, then feed it back into SimpleJson to deserialize to the strongly typed subclass.
                result.media.Add( _
                    SimpleJSON.SimpleJson.DeserializeObject(Of FotoliaAPI.mediaGalleryData)( _
            End If

        Return result

    End Function

    ' required but unimportant properties of IDeserializer
    Public Property DateFormat As String Implements Deserializers.IDeserializer.DateFormat
    Public Property [Namespace] As String Implements Deserializers.IDeserializer.Namespace
    Public Property RootElement As String Implements Deserializers.IDeserializer.RootElement
End Class
于 2013-06-06T04:55:58.933 に答える