別のリンク リストを含むリンク リストがあり、それらにデータを統合したいのですが、できませんでした。



typedef struct BigStructure {
    UINT x;
    UINT y;

    struct SmallStructure* smallStructure;

    struct BigStructure* next;
} BigStructure;

typedef struct SmallStructure {
    UINT x;
    UINT y;

    struct SmallStructure* next;
} SmallStructure;


BigStructure* addLinkedListElement(BigStructure* linkedList)
    if(linkedList-> next == NULL)
        return NULL;

    BigStructure* newLinkedList = malloc(sizeof(linkedList));
    newLinkedList->next = linkedList;
    return newLinkedList;

BigStructure* removeLinkedListElement(BigStructure* linkedList)
    //If the list is empty, we return NULL
    if(linkedList == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //If the list contains one element
    if(linkedList->next == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //if the list contains at least 2 elements
    BigStructure* tmp = linkedList;
    BigStructure* ptmp = linkedList;

    /* Tant qu'on n'est pas au dernier élément */
    while(tmp->next != NULL)
        //ptmp stores the address of tmp
        ptmp = tmp;
        //We move tmp (but pmpt keeps the old value of tmp)
        tmp = tmp->next;

    ptmp->next = NULL;
    return linkedList;

BigStructure* getLinkedListElement(BigStructure* linkedList, int id)
    int i = 0;

    for(i=0; i<id && linkedList != NULL; i++)
        linkedList = linkedList->next;

    if(linkedList == NULL)
        return NULL;
        return linkedList;

上記のコードを使用して SmallStructure 変数にアクセスしようとしましたが、大きな数値 (アドレスのように見えます) が返されました。

BigStructure* bigStructure = NULL;

void addBigStructure(UINT x, UINT y) {

        if(bigStructureNb == 1)
            bigStructure->x = x;
            bigStructure->y = y;
            BigStructure* newBigStructure;
            newBigStructure = (BigStructure*)addLinkedListElement((BigStructure*)&bigStructure);
            newBigStructure->x = x;
            newBigStructure->y = y;

void addSmallStucture(UINT x, UINT y) {

    if(smallStructuresNb == 1)
        bigStructure->startTrigger = malloc(sizeof(BigStructure*));
        bigStructure->startTrigger->x = x;
        bigStructure->startTrigger->y = y;
        BigStructure* tmpBigStructure = NULL;
        tmpBigStructure = (BigStructure*)getLinkedListElement(&bigStructure, rowID); //Table row ID
        g_print("%d", tmpBigStructure->id); //Here I get a false value !!!!
        //Here I want to set the value of the tmpBigStructure->smallStructure->x/y

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