デバッガーからは、誰かが既にそれを取得しているため、ロックでスタックしているだけで、「Break All」の後に「Debugger + Windows + Threads」を見ました-ロックに入るスレッドはありませんでした。
クリティカル セクションに入ったスレッドは表示されません。
これが私のクラスです-基本的にはpowershell cmd runnerであり、cmdは複数のスレッドから実行できます:
internal abstract class PowerShellCommandRunner : IDisposable
#region Fields
protected object m_syncObject = new object();
private PSSession m_psSession = null;
private Runspace m_runspace = null;
#region Constructor
public PowerShellCommandRunner(ExchangeApplicationSystem system)
if (null == system)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ExchangeApplicationSystem");
this.ExchangeApplicationSystem = system;
this.PSCredential = this.ExchangeApplicationSystem.Credential.GetPSCredential();
#region Properties
internal ExchangeApplicationSystem ExchangeApplicationSystem
private set;
public PSCredential PSCredential
protected set;
private bool IsNotInitializedOrInvalidRunspace(Runspace runspace)
bool flag = (null == runspace) //not initialized
|| (null == runspace.RunspaceStateInfo) //not state info (defensive)
|| (runspace.RunspaceStateInfo.State == RunspaceState.Broken) //runspace state is broken
|| (null != runspace.RunspaceStateInfo.Reason); //there is an exception
return flag;
private bool NeedToCreatePsSession
bool flag = (null == this.m_psSession)
|| this.IsNotInitializedOrInvalidRunspace(this.m_psSession.Runspace);
return flag;
internal Runspace Runspace
lock (this.m_syncObject)
if (this.IsNotInitializedOrInvalidRunspace(this.m_runspace))
if (null != this.m_runspace)
//already have one runspace - close it, before we create another one
this.m_runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace();
return this.m_runspace;
#region Methods
internal IEnumerable<PSObject> Execute(string cmd, params object[] argumentList)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd))
throw new ArgumentNullException("cmd");
return this.Execute(new Command(cmd), argumentList);
/// <summary>
/// Sub-classes can do their own specific implementation to create ps-sessions
/// The base class simply performs primitive oepratiosn like managing them.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal abstract PSSession GetPSSession();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the pssession and if reuired updates it as well
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private PSSession GetAndUpdateManagePSSessionInfRequired()
//Note: we dont need to lock as the callers (Exceute methods) will be acquiring the lock before executing the code
//but, just locking it again as the locks are re-entrant
lock (this.m_syncObject)
if (this.NeedToCreatePsSession)
if (null != this.m_psSession
&& (null != this.m_runspace))
//if ps-session exists, remove it from runspace
//Yes, there can be a case where some one already have a reference to the remove session
//that's ok, as the operation simply throws
//And subsequently they will be releasing and re-using the new one.
this.m_psSession = null;
//now, open a new session (requesting for a new session from subclasses)
this.m_psSession = this.GetPSSession();
Debug.Assert(null != this.m_psSession);
return this.m_psSession;
internal IEnumerable<PSObject> Execute(Command cmd, params object[] argumentList)
if (null == cmd)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cmd");
lock (this.m_syncObject)
//Pipelines cannot be executed concurrently, so serialize it
OperationProgressReporter.Report(string.Format("Executing the following PowerShell Command: {0}", cmd.ToString()));
return this.Runspace.ExecuteCommand(cmd, this.GetAndUpdateManagePSSessionInfRequired(), argumentList);
internal IEnumerable<PSObject> Execute(ScriptBlock sb, params object[] argumentList)
if (null == sb)
throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptblock");
lock (this.m_syncObject)
//Pipelines cannot be executed concurrently, so serialize it
OperationProgressReporter.Report(string.Format("Executing the following PowerShell Command: {0}", sb.ToString()));
return this.Runspace.ExecuteCommand(sb, this.GetAndUpdateManagePSSessionInfRequired(), argumentList);
private void RemovePsSessionFromRunspace()
//not intended to call before acquiring a lock
//(For ex: either while closing runspace or while getting rid of old session and getting a new one (GetAndUpdateManagePSSessionInfRequired)
//but locking it as the locks are re-entrant (defensive)
lock (this.m_syncObject)
if ((null != this.m_psSession)
&& (null != this.m_runspace))
string errorMsg = null;
this.m_runspace.RemovePsSessionFromRunspace(this.m_psSession, out errorMsg);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))
FxTracing.TraceError(TraceEventId.GeneralError, errorMsg);
catch (Exception ex)
string.Format("<DEBUG> Unable to remove PSsession from runspace in '{0}'", this.ExchangeApplicationSystem));
private void CloseRunspace()
//lcok it
lock (this.m_syncObject)
//check again to make sure only one thread enters
if (null != this.m_runspace)
//if a ps-session is created, remove it
if (null != this.m_psSession)
//remove the pssession from runspace
//then close the runspace
catch (Exception ex)
//finally, set the runspace to null
//Yes, the runspace can be set to null while another thread can have a reference to old runspace
//its ok as the operation simply fail with invalid runspace state exception (most likely)
//And when they retry they get the updated runspace or get a new one.
//same appraoch as managing ps-session
this.m_runspace = null;
#region IDisposable
public void Dispose()