Sorry forr the misspellings and typos, I didn't want to put my code here so I tried to make a new look a like code to express my question.
Here is the actual code I'm using, I just removed some parts of it as they are not related to my question, I think, otherwise just ask me and I'll put it here as well.
Heres the actual code:
public class Dados {
private String sta;
private String ap;
private int startTime;
private int endTime;
private int repetitionSTA;
private int pingPong;
private int tt_previous;
private int tt_next;
private int id;
public Dados(int id, int startTime, int endTime, String ap, String sta, int repetitionSTA, int ttprevious, int ttnext, int ppong)
this.sta = sta;
this.ap = ap;
this.startTime = startTime;
this.pingPong = ppong;
this.tt_next = ttnext;
this.tt_previous = ttprevious;
this.id = id;
this.repetitionSTA = repetitionSTA;
// SET
public void setPingPong()
this.pingPong = 1;
public int getPingPong()
return this.pingPong;
//another class from now on
public class Queries extends LigarBD{
String dbtime = null;
int id = 1;
TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList> tmValores = new TreeMap<>();
ArrayList<Dados> listaObjectos = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Dados> listaObjectos2 = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList getUniqueStations(String server)
ArrayList<String> listaSTA = new ArrayList<>();
String query = "SELECT distinct calling_station_id FROM java_logs;";
Statement s = super.getConexao().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(query);
while (rs.next())
catch (Exception e)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error at listing all unique stations. Reason -> "+e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Error at listing all unique stations. Reason -> "+e.toString());
return listaSTA;
public ArrayList getStationData(String mac, String server)
Statement s = getConexao().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT timestamp-acct_session_time, timestamp, called_station_id, calling_station_id "
+ "FROM java_logs where calling_station_id = '"+mac+"';"); // retirar STA da query *******************
//System.out.println("Executing the Query on+"+server+" - UniqueSTA - Query number: 1?");
int repetitionSTA=1;
while (rs.next())
Dados d = new Dados(id, rs.getInt(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4), repetitionSTA, 0, 0, 0);
catch (Exception e)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error at Select Query. Reason -> "+e.getMessage());
return listaObjectos2;
Another class:
public class Pingpong {
ArrayList<Dados> dadosArray = new ArrayList<>();
Queries q = new Queries();
TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList> mapa = new TreeMap<>();
ArrayList<Dados> arrayDeDados = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList detectPingPongArray(int threshold_access_session_time, int threshold_transition_time, ArrayList<Dados> dadosSTA)
for(int i = 1; i<arrayDeDados.size()-1; i++)
return dadosArray;
And here is where I'm printing each object one by one:
ArrayList<Dados> dadosSTA = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Dados> dataForPPong = new ArrayList();
ArrayList uniqueSTA = q.getUniqueStations("localserver");
for(int i = 0; i<uniqueSTA.size(); i++)
dadosSTA = q.getStationData(uniqueSTA.get(i).toString(), "localserver");
dataForPPong = p.detectPingPongArray(5, 3, dadosSTA);
for(int i=0; i<dataForPPong.size(); i++)
System.out.println("ID: "+dataForPPong.get(i).getId()+" STA: "+dataForPPong.get(i).getStation()
+ " PingPong: "+dataForPPong.get(i).getPingPong());
So I was expecting it to change the value of pingPong in all objects to 1 but it doesn't.
I think the problem is with the returning from the method detectPingPongArray but I don't know where is the mistake.
Anyone can pinpoint the problem here?