I have started to write a Program in which I used a combobox for the first time and now I want to allign it to the grid. However, my problem is that it always ends up at the very bottom of all my widgets (Picture: http://i.imgur.com/uTzyOFB.png?1). In addition, here is my code:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
class Application(ttk.Frame):
"""A application"""
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
def create_widgets(self):
"""this creates all the objects in the window"""
self.title_lbl = ttk.Label(self,text = "Title"
).grid(column = 0, row = 0,sticky = W)
self.label = ttk.Label(self, text = "label"
).grid(column = 0,
row = 1,sticky = W)
self.combovar = StringVar()
self.combo = ttk.Combobox(self.master,textvariable = self.combovar,
state = 'readonly')
self.combo['values'] = ('A', 'B',
'C', 'D',
'E', 'F',
'G', 'H', 'I')
self.combo.grid(column = 0, row = 2, sticky = W)
self.button1 = ttk.Button(self, text = "Button1"
).grid(column = 0, row = 3,sticky = W)
self.button2 = ttk.Button(self, text = "Button 2"
).grid(column = 0, row = 4, sticky = W)
def main():
"""Loops the window"""
root = Tk()
app = Application(root)
As you can hopefully see, in my code the Combobx is supposed to be at row 2, right below the Label. Instead it is under the 2 buttons which are in rows 3 and 4. I have no clue why it is happening.
I am new to python 3.3 but I am fairly familiar with 2.7. I am also new to stack overflow so please bear with me. Any help is welcome.