// main condition to get only users from given organizational unit
Predicate restriction = root.get(WorkTime_.user).get(User_.organizationalUnit).in((Object[]) orgUnits);
// first date condition to get work time between border dates
Predicate dateInRestr = builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get(WorkTime_.dateFrom), dateFrom);
dateInRestr = builder.and(dateInRestr, builder.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get(WorkTime_.dateTo), dateTo));
// second date condition to get work time overlap border dates
ParameterExpression<Date> dateFromParam = builder.parameter(Date.class);
ParameterExpression<Date> dateToParam = builder.parameter(Date.class);
Predicate dateOutRestr = builder.between(dateFromParam, root.get(WorkTime_.dateFrom), root.get(WorkTime_.dateTo));
dateOutRestr = builder.or(dateOutRestr, builder.between(dateToParam, root.get(WorkTime_.dateFrom), root.get(WorkTime_.dateTo)));
// OR for dates condition
Predicate dateRestr = builder.or(dateInRestr, dateOutRestr);
// AND with unit condition
query.where(restriction, dateRestr);
通常は問題なく動作しますが、PostgreSQL での結果のクエリは次のようになります (条件部分のみを表示)。
and (user1_.ORG_UNIT_ID in (? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?))
and (worktime0_.DATEFROM>=? and worktime0_.DATETO<=?
or ? between worktime0_.DATEFROM and worktime0_.DATETO
or ? between worktime0_.DATEFROM and worktime0_.DATETO)
クエリが次のようになるように、OR 条件要素の周りに括弧を追加できる可能性はありますか。
and (user1_.ORG_UNIT_ID in (? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?))
and ((worktime0_.DATEFROM>=? and worktime0_.DATETO<=?)
or (? between worktime0_.DATEFROM and worktime0_.DATETO)
or (? between worktime0_.DATEFROM and worktime0_.DATETO))
または、SQL の観点からは問題ではありませんか? 他の RDMBS では動作しないのではないかと心配しています。