メモリ マネージャーで配列を正常に割り当てたいと考えています。ヒープでデータを正常にセットアップするのに苦労しています。配列の要素をインスタンス化し、その配列に渡されるポインターを設定する方法がわかりません。どんな助けでも大歓迎です。 =)
基本的に要約すると、通常のヒープの代わりに独自のヒープ ブロックを使用して、独自の new[#] 関数を記述したいと考えています。動的配列に必要なものについて考えたくありません。oO
// Parameter 1: Pointer that you want to pointer to the Array.
// Parameter 2: Amount of Array Elements requested.
// Return: true if Allocation was successful, false if it failed.
template <typename T>
bool AllocateArray(T*& data, unsigned int count)
if((m_Heap.m_Pool == nullptr) || count <= 0)
return false;
unsigned int allocSize = sizeof(T)*count;
// If we have an array, pad an extra 16 bytes so that it will start the data on a 16 byte boundary and have room to store
// the number of items allocated within this pad space, and the size of the original data type so in a delete call we can move
// the pointer by the appropriate size and call a destructor(potentially a base class destructor) on each element in the array
allocSize += 16;
unsigned int* mem = (unsigned int*)(m_Heap.Allocate(allocSize));
return false;
mem[2] = count;
mem[3] = sizeof(T);
T* iter = (T*)(&(mem[4]));
data = iter;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i,++iter)
// I have tried a bunch of stuff, not sure what to do. :(
return true;
void* Heap::Allocate(unsigned int allocSize)
Header* HeadPtr = FindBlock(allocSize);
Footer* FootPtr = (Footer*)HeadPtr;
FootPtr = (Footer*)((char*)FootPtr + (HeadPtr->size + sizeof(Header)));
// Right Split Free Memory if there is enough to make another block.
if((HeadPtr->size - allocSize) >= MINBLOCKSIZE)
// Create the Header for the Allocated Block and Update it's Footer
Header* NewHead = (Header*)FootPtr;
NewHead = (Header*)((char*)NewHead - (allocSize + sizeof(Header)));
NewHead->size = allocSize;
NewHead->next = NewHead;
NewHead->prev = NewHead;
FootPtr->size = NewHead->size;
// Create the Footer for the remaining Free Block and update it's size
Footer* NewFoot = (Footer*)NewHead;
NewFoot = (Footer*)((char*)NewFoot - sizeof(Footer));
HeadPtr->size -= (allocSize + HEADANDFOOTSIZE);
NewFoot->size = HeadPtr->size;
// Turn new Header and Old Footer High Bits On
(NewHead->size |= (1 << 31));
(FootPtr->size |= (1 << 31));
// Return actual allocated memory's location
void* MemAddress = NewHead;
MemAddress = ((char*)MemAddress + sizeof(Header));
m_PoolSizeTotal = HeadPtr->size;
return MemAddress;
// Updating descriptors
HeadPtr->prev->next = HeadPtr->next;
HeadPtr->next->prev = HeadPtr->prev;
HeadPtr->next = NULL;
HeadPtr->prev = NULL;
// Turning Header and Footer High Bits On
(HeadPtr->size |= (1 << 31));
(FootPtr->size |= (1 << 31));
// Return actual allocated memory's location
void* MemAddress = HeadPtr;
MemAddress = ((char*)MemAddress + sizeof(Header));
m_PoolSizeTotal = HeadPtr->size;
return MemAddress;
int* TestArray;
MemoryManager::GetInstance()->CreateHeap(1); // Allocates 1MB
MemoryManager::GetInstance()->AllocateArray(TestArray, 3);