文字列は、コンマで区切られた一連の項目で構成されます。各項目には、括弧で囲まれた単語のペアの識別子 (id-n) があります。末尾に数字が付いている括弧内の単語のみを取得したい (例: 「This-1」)。番号は、実際には、抽出後に単語をどのように配置するかの位置を示しています。
#Example of how the individual items would look like
id1(attr1, is-2) #The number 2 here indicates word 'is' should be in position 2
id2(attr2, This-1) #The number 1 here indicates word 'This' should be in position 1
id3(attr3, an-3) #The number 3 here indicates word 'an' should be in position 3
id4(attr4, example-4) #The number 4 here indicates word 'example' should be in position 4
id5(attr5, example-4) #This is a duplicate of the word 'example'
#Example of string - this is how the string with the items looks like
string = "id1(attr1, is-1), id2(attr2, This-2), id3(attr3, an-3), id4(attr4, example-4), id5(atttr5, example-4)"
#This is how the result should look after extraction
result = 'This is an example'