Dim x, y As Integer
' Start 15 px in from left hand side of form
Dim left As Integer = 0
' Set the size of the textbox dimensions (height and width)
Dim boxdims As Integer
' Start 20 px from the top of the form
Dim topgap As Integer = 25
' Number of cells (horCell by VerCell)
Dim right As Integer = 15
If cboCellWorldSize.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
boxdims = 40
horCell = (screenWidthRes \ boxdims)
verCell = (screenHeightRes \ boxdims)
ElseIf cboCellWorldSize.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
boxdims = 25
horCell = (screenWidthRes \ boxdims)
verCell = (screenHeightRes \ boxdims)
ElseIf cboCellWorldSize.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
boxdims = 15
horCell = (screenWidthRes \ boxdims)
verCell = (screenHeightRes \ boxdims)
End If
ReDim cellArray(horCell, verCell)
For x = 0 To horCell ' Nested loop for rows and cols
For y = 0 To verCell
' Create a new Button
Dim NextButton As New Button
' Set some of its Properties
With NextButton
.Left = left
.Height = boxdims
.Width = boxdims
.BackColor = dead
.Top = topgap + (NextButton.Height * y)
.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0
AddHandler NextButton.MouseEnter, AddressOf Me.btnClick
End With
cellArray(x, y) = NextButton
' Add this new button to the Form's Controls Collection
' Ready to start the next column
' Move the left side of the next column of textboxes
' over to the right.
left += boxdims
現在 mouseEnter イベントを使用していますが、ゲームに適切に適合しません