touchmove イベントを介してスワイプを検出し、それに応じてコンテンツを移動するスライダーがあります。ただし、コンテンツに iframe があり、指を iframe の上にスライドさせると、touchmove イベントが親ページではなく iframe 自体によってインターセプトされるため、ページは移動しません。したがって、親 div は移動しません。
この iframe も広告であるため、クリック可能なままにしておく必要があるため、z-index が高い別の div でカバーすることはできません。
touchmove イベントを親までバブルするには、Javascript で何ができますか? それらは同じドメインにあります。どんな助けでも大歓迎です!
私が使用しているスライダーはこれです - (ページに iframe がない場合は正常に動作します)
var Swiper = function(selector, options) {
/*------- Globals -------*/
var viewportWidth = 0,
frameWidth = 0,
animating = false,
numSlides = 0,
limitEnd = 0,
goTo = 0,
currentSlide = 0,
orientation = 0;
// Swiping
var swipe = {
started : false,
startX : 0,
endX : 0,
at : 0,
strength : 0
// Settings
var settings = {
ease : 0.3,
swipeMin : 40,
preventAdvance : false,
container : '.container',
frame : '.page',
frameWidth : false, // accepts a number in pixels
controls : '.control',
clickEvent : 'click',
updateEvent : 'update',
controlsOnly : false,
/*------- Handles -------*/
var el = selector,
$parent = $(el),
$container, $controls, $frame, $prevCtrl, $nextCtrl;
/*------- Methods -------*/
var init = function(options) {
// Exit if element doesn't exist
if ( $(el).length == 0 ) return;
// Merge settings
settings = $.extend(settings, options || {});
// Initialize handles
$container = $(settings.container, el);
$controls = $(settings.controls, el);
$frame = $(settings.frame, el);
// Assign Ids to frames
$(this).attr('data-id', i);
// Add initial class
$($frame.selector+'[data-id=0]', el).addClass('current');
// Set Dimensions
// Setup CSS
'-webkit-transition' : 'all '+settings.ease+'s ease-out',
'-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d(0,0,0)', // Performance optimization, put onto own layer for faster start
'left' : 0
// Monitoring controls if they exist
if ( $controls.length > 0 ) {
// Determine whether or not to use click event
if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
settings.clickEvent = 'touchstart';
// Create handlers
$prevCtrl = $(settings.controls+'[data-action=prev]');
$nextCtrl = $(settings.controls+'[data-action=next]');
// Bind behavior
$controls.on(settings.clickEvent, function(){
var self = $(this),
action = self.attr('data-action');
// Ensure action defined
if ( typeof action == 'undefined' ) return;
if ( action == 'next' && currentSlide < numSlides - 1 ) {
goTo = currentSlide + 1;
} else if ( action == 'prev' && currentSlide > 0 ) {
goTo = currentSlide - 1;
// Move container
// Display controls correctly
if ( settings.preventAdvance ) {
} else {
// Swiping
if ( !settings.controlsOnly ) {
$container[0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { touchStart(e); }, false);
$container[0].addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) { touchMove(e); }, false);
$container[0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { touchEnd(e); }, false);
// Desktop
$container[0].addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { touchStart(e); }, false);
$container[0].addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { if (e.which==1) { touchMove(e); } }, false);
$container[0].addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { touchEnd(e); }, false);
// Prevent anchor tags from getting in the way
$('a', el).on('touchstart click', function(){
return swipe.started ? false : true;
// Prevent image dragging on getting in the way
$('img', el).on('dragstart', function(){
return false;
// Check if Android
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1;
// Orientation Change
var supportsOrientationChange = "onorientationchange" in window,
orientationEvent = (supportsOrientationChange && !isAndroid) ? "orientationchange" : "resize";
// Listener for orientation changes
window.addEventListener(orientationEvent, function() {
// Prevent 'fake' orientation calls
if ( orientation != window.orientation ) {
orientation = window.orientation;
}, false);
resize = function(callback){
viewportWidth = $parent.width();
frameWidth = ( settings.frameWidth ) ? settings.frameWidth : viewportWidth;
// Apply new sizes
// Set end limit
limitEnd = settings.frameWidth ? viewportWidth/frameWidth : numSlides;
// callback
if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) {
touchStart = function(e) { = getPosition(); // for touch move
// Get start point
swipe.startX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
swipe.startY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
swipe.endX = swipe.startX; // prevent click swiping when touchMove doesn't fire
touchEnd = function(e) {
swipe.started = false;
// Nullify event
if ( animating ) return;
var moved = swipe.endX - swipe.startX,
threshold = frameWidth / 3;
goTo = currentSlide;
// Figure out closest slide
if ( Math.abs(moved) > threshold || swipe.strength > settings.swipeMin ) {
if ( moved > 0 && currentSlide > 0 ) {
} else if ( moved < 0 && currentSlide < limitEnd-1 ) {
// Jump to closest
touchMove = function(e) {
if ( !$parent.hasClass('disabled') ) {
swipe.started = true;
var touchX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX,
touchY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY,
dX = touchX - swipe.startX,
dY = touchY - swipe.startY;
swipe.strength = Math.abs(touchX - swipe.endX);
swipe.endX = touchX;
// Escape if motion wrong
if ( Math.abs(dX) < Math.abs(dY) ) return;
// Always run this so that hit the ends
animate(, false);
getPosition = function() {
// Get current point and Stay there
var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($container[0], null),
transform = new WebKitCSSMatrix(style.webkitTransform);
// Return position based on direction
return transform.m41;
animate = function(scrollTo, ease) {
// Momentum Effect or Not
$container[0].style.webkitTransition = ( ease ) ? 'all '+settings.ease+'s ease-out' : 'none';
$container[0].style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d('+scrollTo+'px,0,0)';
// Allow animating again
if ( ease ) {
animating = true;
animating = false;
}, settings.ease*1000);
jumpTo = function(num, ease) {
// Keep within range
if ( num >= 0 && num < limitEnd ) {
// Animate
var hasEase = ( typeof ease !== 'undefined' ) ? ease : true;
animate(-num*frameWidth, hasEase);
// If new slide
if ( num != currentSlide ) {
// Update current slide
currentSlide = num;
// Update current slide
// Update parent to trigger update event and new slide
$parent.trigger(settings.updateEvent, [ currentSlide, Math.floor(limitEnd) ]);
// Control Buttons
// Disable Again
if ( settings.preventAdvance ) {
updateControls = function() {
// Only run if controls exist
if ( $controls.length == 0 ) return;
if ( currentSlide >= 0 && currentSlide < limitEnd ) {
if ( currentSlide == 0 ) {
} else if ( currentSlide == limitEnd-1 ) {
} else {
disableSliding = function() {
// Hide Controls
$('.control', el).hide();
// Add disabled flag
enableSliding = function() {
// Enable control buttons
// Remove disabled flag
// Initialize the object
return {
element : $parent,
jumpTo : jumpTo,
swiping : function() {
return swipe.started;
disableSliding : disableSliding,
enableSliding : enableSliding,
status : function() {
return {
'current' : currentSlide+1,
'total' : numSlides
next : function() {
prev : function() {