PHPでニュースレターを書きたいです。しかし、質問があります。登録解除のコードを生成するにはどうすればよいですか。実際、各加入者に一意のコードが必要です。たとえば、「 」では、「 」のようなものを見ることができます。もう 1 つの質問は、このコードをデータベースに保存するか、保存しないかということです (各人に固有のものであれば、ニュースレターを送信するたびに生成する必要はないと思います)。何か案が?
2 に答える
Yes it shoould be saved in a database. You should use something like wamp, lamp or xampp. These are local servers and gives you a mysql database (phpmyadmin) to work in.
to connect with the database, you can use this:
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");/*host*/
define("DB_USERNAME", "username");/*username*/
define("DB_PASSWORD", "pass123");/*password*/
define("DB_NAME", "mydatabase");/*database name*/
$db_conn = new PDO('pgsql:host='.DB_HOST.';dbname='.DB_NAME,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD);
catch(PDOException $e)
print "Error!:".$e->getMessage()."\n";
then, you can try to create a new table in mysql like this:
subscribeId INT,
emailadress VARCHAR(60),
then, you can add a subscriber to your database like this:
if he logs in, you set a cookie for is emailadress:
then add subcriber:
$subscriberId = $db_conn->prepare('SELECT MAX(subscriberId) FROM subcribe');
$subscriberId ->execute();
$row = $subscriberId ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
$subscriberId = $row[0]+1;/*unique number because it's one higher then max*/
$subscriber = $db_conn->prepare("INSERT INTO subscribe(subscriberId, emailadress) VALUES('$subscriberId','$emailadress')");
$subscriber ->execute();
to unsubscribe, just do this:
$unsubscribe = $db_conn->prepare('DELETE FROM subscribe WHERE emailadress=:emailadress');
TO GENERATE A LINK, you can do it like this and send it to the persons emailadres:
$length = rand(5, 10);
$link= "";
for($i=0;$i< $length;$i++)/*create random link*/
$char = rand(0, 256);
if(($char>=65 && $char<=90) || ($char>=97 && $char<=122) || ($char>=48 && $char<=57))
$char = chr($char);
$link.= $link;
$hash = hash("ripemd160",$link);
$result = mail($emailadress, 'unsubscribe link', 'you are about to unsubscribe yourself. Click this link to unsubscribe: http://yourSite.php?link='.$link);
And in this page, you can use the code to delete the subscriber as mentioned above.
PS: the link itself shouldn't be add to the database because you can set a cookie which is valid for a certain amount of time (here this is 5 minutes).
in the page this page you can then add an if-test to see if the cookie was set and then delete the subscriber. if(isset($_COOKIE['unsubscribe'])){...}
Hope it helped ;)