これは、javascript を介してブラウザで使用できるフォントを検出するためのコードです。

   * Usage: d = new Detector();
    *        d.detect('font name');
   var Detector = function() {
   // a font will be compared against all the three default fonts.
   // and if it doesn't match all 3 then that font is not available.
   var baseFonts = ['monospace', 'sans-serif', 'serif'];

   //we use m or w because these two characters take up the maximum width.
  // And we use a LLi so that the same matching fonts can get separated
  var testString = "mmmmmmmmmmlli";

  //we test using 72px font size, we may use any size. I guess larger the better.
  var testSize = '72px';

  var h = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

  // create a SPAN in the document to get the width of the text we use to test
  var s = document.createElement("span");
  s.style.fontSize = testSize;
  s.innerHTML = testString;
  var defaultWidth = {};
  var defaultHeight = {};
  for (var index in baseFonts) {
    //get the default width for the three base fonts
    s.style.fontFamily = baseFonts[index];
    defaultWidth[baseFonts[index]] = s.offsetWidth; //width for the default font
    defaultHeight[baseFonts[index]] = s.offsetHeight; //height for the defualt font

  function detect(font) {
    var detected = false;
    for (var index in baseFonts) {
        s.style.fontFamily = font + ',' + baseFonts[index]; 
    // name of the font along with the base font for fallback.
        var matched = (s.offsetWidth != defaultWidth[baseFonts[index]]          ||                s.offsetHeight != defaultHeight[baseFonts[index]]);
        detected = detected || matched;
    return detected;

   this.detect = detect;


      d = new Detector();
     d.detect('font name');

true または false を返します。



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