単純な関数で作成されたという python 辞書のリストがありcheckout_itemsます (読みやすくするために、ここではさらに簡略化しています)。

def checkout_items(request):
    items = get_cart_items(request)
    co_items = [] #a list of dictionaries to be used by the cart
    #iterate through the items and homogenize them into a standardized checkout_item format
    for i in items:
            co_item = {'number': num, 
                       'name': i.name, 
                       'sku': i.sku, 
                       'quantity': i.quantity, 
                       'price': i.price}

ビューの別の場所でこのリストを参照します (ここでも簡略化しています)。

    checkout_items = cart.checkout_items(request)

    attributes = {}
    for i in checkout_items:
        attributes['item_name_'+ str(i['number'])] = str(i['name'])
        attributes['item_number_'+ str(i['number'])] = str(i['sku'])
        attributes['quantity_'+ str(i['number'])] = str(i['quantity'])

ただし、 name 変数は次のように設定されています。<bound method CartItem.name of <CartItem: CartItem object>

それでも、sku (「名前」のような英数字の文字列) は問題なく表示されるようです。どちらも MySQL から直接取得されます。何が起こっているのですか?


2 に答える 2

<bound method CartItem.name of <CartItem: CartItem object> 


于 2013-06-22T21:27:25.263 に答える

as you say, the data you give to the function checkout_items() is from get_cart_items().

So items is not a stupid namespace-like object, but an object that has methods that you wrote, and all of them are CartItems.

Then when you build co_item, you give i.name to the dictionary, that is later printed out as bound method CartItem.name of <CartItem: CartItem object>.

It looks like your CartItem object has a method name! You should try i.name(). Or use whatever property that really has the name if name() is something else.

于 2013-06-22T21:29:11.820 に答える