プログラムをコンパイルしようとすると、エラー メッセージ "acc_man.java:46: missing return statement" が表示されます。クラス acc_man の下に 2 つの銀行口座を作成しています。もう 1 つのクラスには、メイン メソッドで使用されるすべてのメソッドがあります。クラス Bank_Account のプライベート メソッドは、パラメーターをコンストラクターに渡すために使用されます。


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class acc_man {
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {

Bank_Account sav_account = new Bank_Account ();
Bank_Account cr_account = new Bank_Account ();
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader (System.in));

System.out.println ("Please choose Account: 1.Savings 2.Credit");
int acc_type = Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine());

System.out.println ("What do you want to do: 1. Deposit 2. Withdraw ");
int tr_type = Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine());

System.out.println ("Please enter amount");
int amount = Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine());

if (acc_type < 2) 

  if (tr_type < 2)
  sav_account.deposit (amount);

  if (tr_type > 1)
  sav_account.withdraw (amount);

if (acc_type > 1)

  if (tr_type < 2)
  sav_account.deposit (amount);

   if (tr_type > 1)
   sav_account.withdraw (amount);

}// method main
}// class acc_man

class Bank_Account {

private int amount;
private int balance;

public int Bank_Account (int initial_balance) {

balance = initial_balance;
// end constructor

public int deposit (int amount) {

balance = balance + amount;

return balance;
//end method deposit

public  int withdraw (int amount) {

balance = balance - amount;
return balance;

//end method withdraw

private int set_balance (int initial_balance) {

initial_balance = balance;
return initial_balance;

// end method set_balance

public void print() {

System.out.println ("Current balance of the account is:" + balance);

// end method print
//end class Bank_Account



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