using namespace std;
* Construct the binary heap.
* capacity is the capacity of the binary heap.
class BinaryHeap
int currentSize; // Number of elements in heap
int array[]; // The heap array
void buildHeap( );
void percolateDown( int hole );
bool isEmpty( ) const;
bool isFull( ) const;
int findmini( ) const;
void insert( int x );
void deleteMin( );
void deleteMin( int minItem );
void makeEmpty( );
public :
BinaryHeap( )
currentSize = 0;
BinaryHeap( int capacity )
array[capacity + 1];
currentSize = 0;
int main()
int resp, ch, choice;
int n, i;
cout << "enter the size of heap" << endl;
cin >> n;
BinaryHeap b(int n);
cout << "enter the item " << endl;
cin >> ch;
b.insert( int ch);
return 0;
'b' のメンバー 'insert' の要求。これは非クラス型 'BinaryHeap(int)'
であり、'int' の前にプライマリ式が必要です