そのため、最終的にシェルとして実行され、現在の IP を比較して IP アドレスの変更を検出するスクリプトを開発しています (
$current_ip = file_get_contents('http://www.ipaddresscheck.comlu.com/ip.php');
(誰かが興味を持っている場合、http: //www.ipaddresscheck.comlu.com/ip.php はマシン/ルーターのパブリック IP のみを返します)
mysqlに記録された最新のものに。現在、偽の古い IP と実際の現在の IP をメールで送信することさえできません。古い IP と新しい IP を電子メールで送信しようとすると、古い IP 変数を現在の場所に配置するか、まったく配置しないだけで機能します。それは言うべきです
The old IP adresss was --- ".$old_ip."
The new IP address is --- ".$current_ip."
The old IP adresss was --- ".$old_ip."
The new IP address is --- ".$old_ip."
The old IP adresss was --- ".$old_ip."
The new IP address is ---
//Get IP
include 'get_ip.php';
//Connect to SQL
//Select database
mysql_select_db("ip_changes") or die(mysql_error());
//Get Date Info
$date = date("D M Y");
$time = date("H i s");
//Generate SQL query
$sql="INSERT INTO ip (date, time, current_ip)
VALUES ('$date', '$time', '$current_ip')";
//Execute SQL
//$sqlcurrent = mysql_query(SELECT current_ip FROM ip ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1);
echo $current_ip;
$new_ip = $current_ip;
//Send Mail
$old_ip = '';
$to = "justinmarmorato@gmail.com";
$subject = "IP Address Change";
$message = "Hello! This is an automated message from the IPMS. An IP address chamge has been
//Right here, I can only send out $old_ip, and nothing else. The date and time at the bottom does work.
The old IP adresss was --- ".$old_ip."
The new IP address is --- ".$old_ip."
The IP address change was detected at ---". $date. ' , '. $time;
$message1 = 'Old IP:'.$old_ip.
'New IP:'.$current_ip;
$from = "no-reply@http://mar-remote-net.dns2.us";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
echo 'Old IP:'.$old_ip.
'New IP:'.$current_ip;