I am trying to automate the app using UIAutomation
. It works only with IPA built with development provisioning profile. It stucks in case of IPA built with distribution provisioning profile
whether it is adhoc or app store distribution. It just launches app and then Instruments hang up with recording page and doesn't record any steps. But it is working fine in case of development provisioning profile
. I have read this note from Instruments User Guide provided by apple
Note: For your protection, the Automation instrument enables you to process only apps that have been code signed with your provisioning profile. These apps include any copy that has been downloaded from the iTunes App Store.
Link for this Guide - http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/InstrumentsUserGuide/UsingtheAutomationInstrument/UsingtheAutomationInstrument.html
According to this guide, I can automate the app also that has been downloaded from app store also if I have signed it with my provisioning profile. I have all provisioning profiles and certificates of my app but still not able to automate the app.
I have tried all things but it is not working whether there is mistake in documentation or I am doing something wrong..