Primefaces Lightbox works only once per image selection.

I have two images on one page

1) Lightbox opens when clicking on image 1.

2) Lightbox does not open when you click on image 1 again.

3) Lightbox opens when clicking on image 2.

4) Lightbox does not open when you click on image 2 again.

but it works on IE.

p.s. I use Chrome and I declared <f:view contentType="text/html">

<p:lightBox styleClass="imagebox"> 
    <h:outputLink value="#{LoxCtrl.staffInfoStaffPhotoShow}" title="#{LoxCtrl.staffInfoStaffNameShow}">  
        <p:graphicImage value="#{LoxCtrl.staffInfoStaffPhotoShow}" style="border-style: ridge;" height="170px"/>

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