少なくとも 3 人の年間総売上を比較する必要があります。最高所得者と同等またはそれを超えるために各人が達成しなければならない追加額を計算するアプリが必要です。私はその大部分を理解し、シナリオに 2 人しかいない場合の方法を知っていますが、3 番目の方程式に入ると、ループに陥ります。どんな助けでも大歓迎です、そして前もって感謝します!ここに私がこれまでに持っているものがありますが、明らかに計算が正しくない最後の場所です。

package Commission3;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MainClass {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new object AnnualCompensation
        Commission3 salesPerson[] = new Commission3[2];
        // creat two object
        salesPerson[0] = new Commission3();
        salesPerson[1] = new Commission3();
        salesPerson[2] = new Commission3();
        //new scanner input
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

        //get salesperson1 name
        System.out.println("What is your first salesperson's name?");
        salesPerson[0].name = keyboard.nextLine();

        //get salesperson1 sales total
        System.out.println("Enter annual sales of first salesperson: ");
        double val = keyboard.nextDouble();

        //get salesperson2 name
        System.out.println("What is your second salesperson's name?");
        salesPerson[1].name = keyboard.next();

        //get salesperson2 sales total
        System.out.println("Enter annual sales of second salesperson: ");
        val = keyboard.nextDouble();

        //get salesperson3 name
        System.out.println("What is your third salesperson's name?");
        salesPerson[2].name = keyboard.next();

        //get salesperson3 sales total
        System.out.println("Enter annual sales of third salesperson: ");
        val = keyboard.nextDouble();

        double total1, total2, total3;
        total1 = salesPerson[0].getTotalSales();
        System.out.println("Total sales of " + salesPerson[0].name +" is: $" + total1);
        total2 = salesPerson[1].getTotalSales();
        System.out.println("Total sales of " + salesPerson[1].name +" is: $" + total2);
        total3 = salesPerson[2].getTotalSales();
        System.out.println("Total sales of " + salesPerson[2].name +" is: $" + total3);
        if (total1 > total2) {
            System.out.print("Salesperson " + salesPerson[2].name + "'s additional amount 
        of sales that he must " + " achieve to match or exceed the higher of the 
        salesperson " + salesPerson[0].name);  
            System.out.println(" $" + (total1 - total2));
        } else if (total2 > total1) {
            System.out.print("Salesperson " + salesPerson[0].name + "'s additional amount
        of sales that he must " + " achieve to match or exceed the higher of the 
        salesperson " +  salesPerson[1].name);

            System.out.println(" $" + (total2 - total1));
        } else {
            System.out.println("Both have same compensation $" + total1);

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