そのため、ランディング ページ ビューにボタンがあり、クリックするとユーザーが登録 URL にregister
template = require './templates/landing'
app = require '../application'
module.exports = class LandingView extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
id: 'landing-view'
template: template
'click .splash .get-started': 'route_register'
route_register: (e) ->
console.log 'button clicked'
app.router.navigate('/register', {trigger: true})
and here's my router:
application = require('application')
HomeView = require('views/HomeView')
LandingView = require('views/LandingView')
RegisterView = require('views/RegisterView')
module.exports = class Router extends Backbone.Router
'': 'landing'
'/home': 'home'
'/register': 'register'
landing: =>
console.log 'in router: landing'
lv = new LandingView()
home: =>
console.log 'in router: home'
hv = new HomeView()
register: =>
console.log 'in router: register'
rv = new RegisterView()
In my landing-page view, when the button is clicked, I get the console.log in chrome tools. But I never get the console.logs from the router. This led me to believe that my router was instantiated incorrectly but here's how I do it:
class Application extends Backbone.Marionette.Application
initialize: =>
@on("initialize:after", (options) =>
# Freeze the object
Object.freeze? this
@addInitializer( (options) =>
# Instantiate the main layout
AppLayout = require 'views/AppLayout'
@layout = new AppLayout()
@addInitializer((options) =>
# Instantiate the router
Router = require 'lib/router'
@router = new Router()
Also, the address chanages in the URL bar, for example, when I click the landing-page button the URL changes from localhost:3000
to localhost:3000/register
, yet I don't get the console.log in the router and the page doesn't render.
Could anyone help me pin down this bug?