シェル環境 (OSX または Linux) を使用している場合は、次のようなことができます。これにより、半径が徐々に大きくなる一連のぼやけた円が作成され、適切な名前のファイルに画像が保存されます...
for RAD in {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90}; do convert -size 400x300 xc:black -fill cyan -stroke cyan -draw "translate 200,150 circle 0,0 $RAD,0" -blur 0x8 blur_circle$RAD.gif; done
次に、提案するように、それらをアニメーション gif に変換します。
convert -delay 0 -loop 0 blur_circle*.gif final.gif
これは、Python を使用して 2 つの円を生成するバージョンです。その透明度は異なる時間スケールで変化します。現在の設定では、経時的な透明度は次のグラフのようになりますが、整数値のリストを生成してさまざまな効果を得ることができます。
#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Using imagemagick, generate a series of .gifs with fuzzy circles in them...
When the program is done, create an animated gif with:
convert -delay 0 -loop 0 blur_circle*.gif final.gif
(P.S. I know it is not 'convention' to capitalize variable names, but it makes
it easier to distinguish my definitions from built-ins)"""
import subprocess
import sys
CanvasW = 400
CanvasH = 400
CenterX = int(CanvasW/2)
CenterY = int(CanvasH/2)
InnerDia = 75
OuterDia = 155
BaseNameString = "blur_circles"
# play with overall blur level - 2 to 8
# this is in addition to the distance fuzzing
BlurLevel = '8'
# The following three lists must be the same length
# Transparency levels of the inner circle, ramping up and down
InnerAlphaList = range(0,101,10) + range(90,9,-20) + [5,0,0,0]
print "Inner:",len(InnerAlphaList),InnerAlphaList
# Transparency of the outer circle
OuterAlphaList = range(0,51,8) + range(40,9,-12) + range(8,0,-2) + [0,0,0,0,0,0]
print "Outer:",len(OuterAlphaList), OuterAlphaList
# Add 100 so the file names get sorted properly?
NameNumberList = range(101, 101+len(InnerAlphaList))
# Changing the Euclidaan distance parameters affects how fuzzy the objects are
BaseCommand = '''convert -size {w}x{h} xc:black \
-fill "rgba( 0, 255,255 , {outal:0.1f} )" -stroke none -draw "translate {cenx},{ceny} circle 0,0 {outdia},0" -morphology Distance Euclidean:4,1000\
-fill "rgba( 0, 255,255 , {inal:0.1f} )" -stroke none -draw "translate {cenx},{ceny} circle 0,0 {india},0" -morphology Distance Euclidean:4,500 \
-blur 0x{blur} {basename}_{namenum}.gif'''
sys.stderr.write("Starting imagegen .")
for InAlpha,OutAlpha,NameNumber in zip(InnerAlphaList,OuterAlphaList,NameNumberList):
FormattedCommand = BaseCommand.format(
w = CanvasW, h = CanvasH,
cenx = CenterX, ceny = CenterY,
india = InnerDia, outdia = OuterDia,
blur = BlurLevel,
inal = InAlpha/100.0, outal = OutAlpha/100.0,
basename = BaseNameString,
namenum = NameNumber
# sys.stderr.write("{}\n".format(FormattedCommand))
ProcString = subprocess.check_output(FormattedCommand, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
if ProcString:
sys.stderr.write(" Done.\n")
# inner circle:
convert -size 400x300 xc:black -fill "rgba( 0, 255,255 , 1 )" -stroke none -draw "translate 200,150 circle 0,0 75,0" -blur 0x8 -morphology Distance Euclidean:4,1000 blur_circle100.gif
#outer circle
convert -size 400x300 xc:black -fill "rgba( 0, 255,255 , .5 )" -stroke none -draw "translate 200,150 circle 0,0 150,0" -morphology Distance Euclidean:4,500 -blur 0x6 blur_circle100.gif
#both circles
convert -size 400x300 xc:black -fill "rgba( 0, 255,255 , .5 )" -stroke none -draw "translate 200,150 circle 0,0 150,0" -morphology Distance Euclidean:4,500 \
-fill "rgba( 0, 255,255 , 1 )" -stroke none -draw "translate 200,150 circle 0,0 75,0" -morphology Distance Euclidean:4,1000\
-blur 0x8 blur_circle100.gif