さて、私はプログラミングにかなり慣れていません。私は Python 2.7 を使用しています。私の次の目標は、Nearest Neighbor アルゴリズムの軽量バージョンを実装することです (k 最近隣人について話しているのではないことに注意してください)。私は多くのアプローチを試みましたが、そのうちのいくつかは近いものもありましたが、まだそれを釘付けにすることはできません.

まず第一に、私はインシデントマトリックスを表すために配列を使用していますが、それは良い考えですか? ここでnumpysの配列と行列を考えています。

第二に、アルゴリズム( Pseudocode )を知っています。それはかなり簡単です。しかし、私は間違いなくある種のキックスタートを使用することができました. 私は完全な実装には興味がありませんが、今のところ在庫があり、助けを求めています.




import numpy as np
import copy

                        NEAREST NEIGHBOUR ALGORITHM

The algorithm takes two arguments. The first one is an array, with elements
being lists/column-vectors from the given complete incidensmatrix. The second 
argument is an integer which represents the startingnode where 1 is the 
smallest. The program will only make sense, if the triangle inequality is satisfied.
Furthermore, diagonal elements needs to be inf. The pseudocode is listed below:

1. - stand on an arbitrary vertex as current vertex.
2. - find out the shortest edge connecting current vertex and an unvisited vertex V.
3. - set current vertex to V.
4. - mark V as visited.
5. - if all the vertices in domain are visited, then terminate.
6. - Go to step 2.

The sequence of the visited vertices is the output of the algorithm

Remark - infinity is entered as np.inf

def NN(A, start):

    start = start-1 #To compensate for the python index starting at 0.
    n = len(A)
    path = [start]
    costList = []
    tmp = copy.deepcopy(start)
    B = copy.deepcopy(A)

    #This block eliminates the startingnode, by setting it equal to inf.
    for h in range(n):
        B[h][start] = np.inf

    for i in range(n):

        # This block appends the visited nodes to the path, and appends
        # the cost of the path.
        for j in range(n):
            if B[tmp][j] == min(B[tmp]):
                tmp = j

        # This block sets the current node to inf, so it can't be visited again.
        for k in range(n):
            B[k][tmp] = np.inf

    # The last term adds the weight of the edge connecting the start - and endnote.
    cost = sum([i for i in costList if i < np.inf]) + A[path[len(path)-2]][start]

    # The last element needs to be popped, because it is equal to inf.

    # Because we want to return to start, we append this node as the last element.
    path.insert(n, start)

    # Prints the path with original indicies.
    path = [i+1 for i in path]

    print "The path is: ", path
    print "The cost is: ", cost
    return ""

If the desired result is to know the path and cost from every startnode,
then initialize the following method:
def every_node(A):
    for i in range(1, len(A)):
        print NN(A, i)
    return ""

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