入力として「暴力」が与えられた場合、以下の参考文献 #1 で言及されているように、暴力が人によってどのように解釈されるか (例えば、身体的暴力、本、アルバム、音楽グループなど) を考え出すことが可能です。
OpenNLPなどのNLP APIを介してこれを推測する方法はありますか?
violence/N1 - intentional harmful physical action.
violence/N2 - the property of being wild or turbulent.
Violence/N6 - a book from Neil L. Whitehead; nonfiction
Violence/N7 - an album by The Last Resort
Violence/N8 - Violence is the third album by the Washington-based Alternative metal music group Nothingface.
Violence/N9 - a musical group which produced the albums Eternal Nightmare and Nothing to Gain
Violence/N10 - a song by Aesthetic Perfection, Angel Witch, Arsenic, Beth Torbert, Brigada Flores Magon, etc on the albums A Natural Disaster, Adult Themes for Voice, I Bificus, Retribution, S.D.E., etc
Violence/N11 - an album by Bombardier, Dark Quarterer and Invisible Limits
Violence/N12 - a song by CharlElie Couture, EsprieM, Fraebbblarnir, Ian Hunter, Implant, etc on the albums All the Young Dudes, Broke, No Regrets, Power of Limits, Repercussions, etc
Violence/N18 - Violence: The Roleplaying Game of Egregious and Repulsive Bloodshed is a short, 32-page roleplaying game written by Greg Costikyan under the pseudonym "Designer X" and published by Hogshead Publishing as part of its New Style line of games.
Violence/N42 - Violence (1947) is an American drama film noir directed by Jack Bernhard.