public ViewResult Questionare()
Goldienator.Models.QuestionnaireModel model = new Models.QuestionnaireModel();
model.question1 = "Whats the difference between axial leads and radial leads?";
model.question2 = "What is the difference between AC and DC current?";
model.question3 = "Is Nikola Telsa known for his work with AC current or DC current?";
model.question4 = "What is a semiconductor?";
model.answer11 = "Radial leads point in the same direction, while axial leads point in oppossite directions";
model.answer12 = "Radial leads are round, while Axial leads are square";
model.answer13 = "There is no difference";
model.answer21 = "DC has current flowing constantly in one direction, while AC has the flow of current changing.";
model.answer22 = "AC has current flowing constantly in one direction, while DC has the flow of current changing.";
model.answer23 = "AC is weaker than DC";
model.answer31 = "AC";
model.answer32 = "DC";
model.answer33 = "Both";
model.answer41 = "A material which has electrical conductivity between that of a metal and an insulator.";
model.answer42 = "Something that reduces the flow of current";
model.answer43 = "A large wire";
return View(model);
public class QuestionnaireModel
public string question1;
public string question2;
public string question3;
public string question4;
public string answer11;
public string answer12;
public string answer13;
public string answer21;
public string answer22;
public string answer23;
public string answer31;
public string answer32;
public string answer33;
public string answer41;
public string answer42;
public string answer43;
<div style="margin:0 20px 0 20px;" >
<input type="text" id="question1" style="display: none;" value="@Model.question1">
<input type="text" id="question2" style="display: none;" value="@Model.question2">
<input type="text" id="question3" style="display: none;" value="@Model.question3">
<input type="text" id="question4" style="display: none;" value="@Model.question4">
<input type="text" id="answer11" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer11">
<input type="text" id="answer12" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer12">
<input type="text" id="answer13" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer13">
<input type="text" id="answer21" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer21">
<input type="text" id="answer22" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer22">
<input type="text" id="answer23" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer23">
<input type="text" id="answer31" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer31">
<input type="text" id="answer32" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer32">
<input type="text" id="answer33" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer33">
<input type="text" id="answer41" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer41">
<input type="text" id="answer42" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer42">
<input type="text" id="answer43" style="display: none;" value="@Model.answer43">
Click start to be asked a question, if you get enough right, you will recieve a discount!
<button id="start" value="start" onclick="start()">start</button>
<p data-bind="text: currentQuestion"></p>
<input type="radio" id="answer1" name="ans" style="margin: 10px;" data-bind="value: answer1()"><span data-bind="text: answer1()"></span><br>
<input type="radio" id="answer2" name="ans" style="margin: 10px;" data-bind="value: answer2()"><span data-bind="text: answer2()"></span><br>
<input type="radio" id="answer3" name="ans" style="margin: 10px;" data-bind="value: answer3()"><span data-bind="text: answer3()"></span><br>
<button id="answerSubmit" value="submit" onclick="questionare()" style="margin: 10px;">submit</button>
<p id="message"></p>
<p id="message2"></p>
<p style="float: right;">Question <span id="counter"></span></p>
function questionViewModel() {
this.questions = new Array(document.getElementById('question1').value, document.getElementById('question2').value, document.getElementById('question3').value, document.getElementById('question4').value);
this.answers = new Array();
this.answers[0] = new Array(document.getElementById('answer11').value, document.getElementById('answer12').value, document.getElementById('answer13').value);
this.answers[1] = new Array(document.getElementById('answer21').value, document.getElementById('answer22').value, document.getElementById('answer23').value);
this.answers[2] = new Array(document.getElementById('answer31').value, document.getElementById('answer32').value, document.getElementById('answer33').value);
this.answers[3] = new Array(document.getElementById('answer41').value, document.getElementById('answer42').value, document.getElementById('answer43').value);
this.right = new Array(document.getElementById('answer11').value, document.getElementById('answer21').value, document.getElementById('answer31').value, document.getElementById('answer41').value);
this.i = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.questions.length);
this.a = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.answers[0].length);
var iAns1 = this.i;
var iAns2 = this.i;
var iAns3 = this.i;
this.currentQuestion = this.questions[this.i];
this.nextQuestion = "";
this.answer1 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i][0]);
this.answer2 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i][1]);
this.answer3 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i][2]);
this.nAns1 = "";
this.nAns2 = "";
this.nAns3 = "";
if (this.i + 1 < this.questions.length && this.a + 2 < this.answers[0].length) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[this.i + 1];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][this.a]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][this.a + 1]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][this.a + 2]);
else if (this.i + 1 < this.questions.length && this.a + 2 == this.answers[0].length) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[this.i + 1];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][this.a]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][this.a + 1]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][0]);
else if (this.i + 1 < this.questions.length && this.a + 2 > this.answers[0].length) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[this.i + 1];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][1]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][this.a]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[this.i + 1][0]);
else if (this.i + 1 == this.questions.length && this.a + 2 < this.answers[0].length) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[0];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][this.a]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][this.a+1]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][this.a + 2]);
else if (this.i + 1 == this.questions.length && this.a + 2 == this.answers[0].length) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[0];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][this.a]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][this.a + 1]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][0]);
iAns1 = 0;
iAns2 = 0;
iAns3 = 0;
else if (this.i + 1 == this.questions.length && this.a + 2 > this.answers[0].length) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[0];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][1]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][this.a]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][0]);
iAns1 = 0;
iAns2 = 0;
iAns3 = 0;
else {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[0];
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][0]);
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][1]);
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][2]);
this.getI = function () { return this.i; };
this.getA = function () { return this.a; };
this.getRight = function () { return this.right[this.i]; };
this.getAns1 = function () {
return this.answer1();
this.getAns2 = function () {
return this.answer2();
this.getAns3 = function () {
return this.answer3();
this.setAns1 = function () {
this.answer1 = this.nAns1;
if (iAns1 + 1 < this.answers.length) {
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[iAns1 + 1][0]);
} else {
this.nAns1 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][0]);
iAns1 = 0;
this.setAns2 = function () {
this.answer2 = this.nAns2;
if (iAns2 + 1 < this.answers.length) {
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[iAns2 + 1][1]);
} else {
this.nAns2 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][1]);
iAns2 = 0;
this.setAns3 = function () {
this.answer3 = this.nAns3;
if (iAns3 + 1 < this.answers.length) {
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[iAns3 + 1][2]);
} else {
this.nAns3 = ko.observable(this.answers[0][2]);
iAns3 = 0;
this.getList = function () {
return this.questions;
this.getCurrent = function () {
return this.currentQuestion;
this.getNext = function () {
return this.nextQuestion;
this.getLength = function () {
return this.questions.length;
this.setQuestion = function (x) {
if (this.i + 1 <= this.questions.length - 1) {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[this.i + 1];
} else {
this.nextQuestion = this.questions[0];
this.i = 0;
this.currentQuestion = this.nextQuestion;
これはまだテストなので、まだデータベースから質問をロードしていませんが、現在は MVC を使用しているため、他のすべてが簡単になります。javascriptに値を取得させるには、目に見えない入力を使用して文字列をビューに保存する必要がありました。