数独を解く Python プログラムを作成しましたが、それを高速化したいと考えています。コア操作は、再帰として実装する深さ優先検索関数です。深さ優先検索手順を、データ スタック (単なるリスト) を管理するループとして書き直すことで、再帰のオーバーヘッドをなくすことができると考えました。しかし、パフォーマンスはそれほど変わらないことがわかりました。ループ バージョンは手続き的に再帰バージョンと同等であると確信しています。私が使用しているデータ スタックのプッシュ/ポッピングが高速ではないためですか? それとも、Python インタープリターは本当にハードウェアをうまく​​活用しているのでしょうか? 誰かが何ができるかを理解するのを手伝ってもらえますか? プロファイリングを添付します。

search_naked は再帰関数です。

                      2446265 function calls (1813295 primitive calls) in 4.576 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time, cumulative time
   List reduced from 31 to 20 due to restriction <20>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
709255/79779    2.136    0.000    2.136    0.000 sdkx.py:251(search_naked)
     3514    1.539    0.000    3.994    0.001 sdkx.py:106(propagate)
  3514/20    0.239    0.000    4.389    0.219 sdkx.py:234(dfs)
       20    0.135    0.007    4.528    0.226 sdkx.py:468(solvestring)
     3901    0.098    0.000    0.113    0.000 sdkx.py:82(Assume)
   467283    0.071    0.000    0.071    0.000 {method 'add' of 'set' objects}
     3514    0.050    0.000    0.050    0.000 {method 'copy' of 'dict' objects}
   378200    0.048    0.000    0.048    0.000 {method 'discard' of 'set' objects}
        1    0.047    0.047    4.576    4.576 sdkx.py:487(solvefile)

そして、これが対応するループです - search_naked3

         2825303 function calls (2821809 primitive calls) in 4.367 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time, cumulative time
   List reduced from 32 to 20 due to restriction <20>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   144657    1.967    0.000    2.154    0.000 sdkx.py:148(search_naked3)
     3514    1.285    0.000    3.760    0.001 sdkx.py:106(propagate)
  3514/20    0.240    0.000    4.156    0.208 sdkx.py:221(dfs)
   443513    0.114    0.000    0.114    0.000 {method 'pop' of 'list' objects}
       20    0.109    0.005    4.269    0.213 sdkx.py:455(solvestring)
        1    0.097    0.097    4.367    4.367 sdkx.py:474(solvefile)
     3901    0.096    0.000    0.112    0.000 sdkx.py:82(Assume)
   467283    0.072    0.000    0.072    0.000 {method 'add' of 'set' objects}

[編集] ここに 2 つの関数を添付します。

def search_naked(Ls, LsL, Tmask, D, NLID,N, locs, masks):  #Find the smallest naked subgroup.
    #global naked, naked_mask, M_size
    LsL1, K  = LsL+1, LsL+N
    for nextLID in xrange(NLID, N):
        Tmask1 =  Tmask|masks[nextLID]
        if LsL1==D1:
            if D1 <N:
                return Ls+locs[nextLID], Tmask1, D1
            return 0,0,0
        if LsL1>D1:
            return False
        if D1+nextLID > K:# or D1>=M_size: 
        result = search_naked(Ls+locs[nextLID], LsL1, Tmask1, D1, nextLID+1,N, locs, masks)
        if result!=(0,0,0):
            return result

    return 0,0,0

def search_naked3(locs, masks, N):  #Find a subgroup in a deep first manner without recussion. counter is the stack for DFS purpose.

    counter, i, Len, bm,K = [],0, 1,0,N-1
    #i: the current index of a cell to be augmentally considered and checked with for subgroup.
    #bm: base mask is the ORed value of previously selected masks, this is used with the current cell to generate a new mask for checking purpose
    #counter: the stack structure storing (i,bm) pairs, which are used when returning from DFS
    #Len: this is a derived value, as len(counter)+1, Len is maintained to avoid calling len() function.
    #At each stage, there are len(counter)+1 cells are being combined consdered/checked as a subgroup, including len(counter) previous cells and
    #the current cell indicated by i;
    #K=N-1 does not change over the while loop; so save same redundant computation.
    while True:
        TM = bm|masks[i]       #TM (total mask): the mask to check
        D=d_counter[TM]         #D the number of ones in TM.

        if D == Len:        #That is if a subgroup is formed if D==Len<N; or we are checking the entire group (D==Len==N)

            return (0,0,0) if D==N else (locs[i]+sum([locs[c] for (c,m) in counter]), TM, D)   #return a subgroup, else, return the flag that no subgroup is found
        #From now on, D is assumed > Len. Situation of D<Len is impossible due to the treatment before the loop.
        if  D ==N or D - Len > K-i: #Current combination of cells is "blown": either N digits have be provided by less than N locations; or 
                                    #there is not enought number (K-i) of unconsidered cells that could possiblly accommodate D-Len digits.
                                    #If blown, we need to check the next cell, unless cell i is already the last of the N cells.
            if i<N-1:               #If there is a next cell, simple increase i, and continue with while loop. Len, bm should not change,
            else:                   #Now threat the sitation where i is already pointing at the last of N cells.
                if Len-1:           #If there is still something in the stack (indicated by Len-1), 
                    i,bm =counter.pop()    #pop from the stack to go back to one level higher, using the older base mask
                    i+=1                    #and try the next cell at that higher level.
                    Len-=1                  #Of course, the we are considering 1 less cells. 
                    continue                #continue with the while loop
                break               #If there is nothing left in the stack -> all combinations have been checked. The only exit of the while loop.
        #From now on: Len cells contributed D digits, Len<D and not blown. Prepare to go one level deeper, unless the current cell is already the last of N cells.
        if i< N-1:      #this is the situation in which, the current cell indicated by i is not the last of N cells,
            counter.append((i,bm))  # push to stack
            bm=TM                   #base mask is updated as the current total mask
            i+=1                    #The firt cell to consider in the deeper level is the one just next to the current cell of this level.
            Len+=1                  #of course, we are considering a more cell.
            continue                #continue with the while loop.
        #Now, we treat the situation in which the current combination of cells already include the last of N cells, ie, i==N-1.
        #We cannot go deeper, therefore we return to a higher level.
        i,bm =counter.pop()         # Pop the stack, returning to the higher level, recovering base mask 
        i+=1                        # and the next cell to consider in the higher level. 
        Len-=1                      #Of course, we are considering 1 less cells in the combination.
    return 0,0,0                    #The loop must be bronken! That means all combinations have been considered without finding a subgroup. Return the flag

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