キーワードのリストを取得する 1 つの方法は、再帰 CTE を使用することです。
with keywords as (
select 1 as id, 'RENAULT CLIO MTV' as keywords union all
select 2 as id, 'A B' as keywords
cte as (
select id,
(case when keywords like '% %'
then left(keywords, charindex(' ', keywords))
else keywords
end) as keyword,
(case when keywords like '% %'
then substring(keywords, charindex(' ', keywords)+1, 1000)
else ''
end) as rest
from keywords
union all
select id,
(case when rest like '% %'
then left(rest, charindex(' ', rest))
else rest
end) as keyword,
(case when rest like '% %'
then substring(rest, charindex(' ', rest)+1, 1000)
else ''
end) as rest
from cte
where len(rest) > 0
select id, keyword
from cte;
insert into KeywordSearches(name, keyword_id)
select keyword, id
from CTE;
これは、ID 列としてを設定したことを前提としています。
with cte as (
select id,
(case when keywords like '% %'
then left(keywords, charindex(' ', keywords))
else keywords
end) as keyword,
(case when keywords like '% %'
then substring(keywords, charindex(' ', keywords)+1, 1000)
else ''
end) as rest
from keywords
union all
select id,
(case when rest like '% %'
then left(rest, charindex(' ', rest))
else rest
end) as keyword,
(case when rest like '% %'
then substring(rest, charindex(' ', rest)+1, 1000)
else ''
end) as rest
from cte
where len(rest) > 0
insert into KeywordSearches(name, keyword_id)
select keyword, id
from CTE;