数週間前、itunesconnect.apple.com にログインすると、このメッセージが表示されました。当時、私はそれに署名しようとしましたが、それが見つからなかったので、後で問題を延期しました.
Review the iOS Developer Program License Agreement
The iOS Developer Program License Agreement has been updated. To create new apps and upload binaries to the App Store, the user with the Team Agent role must review and accept this agreement in Member Center.
Review the iOS Paid Applications Agreement
The iOS Paid Applications Agreement has been updated. To create new apps and upload binaries to the App Store, the user with the Legal role must review and accept this agreement in the Contracts, Tax, and Banking module.
To accept this agreement, the user with the Team Agent role must have already accepted the iOS Developer Program License Agreement in Member Center.
残念ながら、メンバー センターのどこにも署名するためのこの新しい契約が見つかりません。私はチームエージェントです