私のページには、3 つの異なるテキストエリアに対して 3 つの異なる jQuery 関数が設定されています。それが機能するはずの方法は、いくつかの選択肢から選択し、選択した選択肢をその選択肢のテキストエリアに入力することです。問題は、選択した内容が 3 つのテキストエリアすべてに入力されることです。ここに jsFiddle へのリンクがあります。誰かが余分な目を貸して、私が欠けているものを教えてくれれば幸いです。

jsFiddle リンク


            <div>Sale Locations</div>
            <TEXTAREA NAME="saleLocation" col="30" ROWS="4" ID="saleLocation"></TEXTAREA>
            <INPUT NAME="saleLocation_required" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="You cannot leave the field (Sale Location) empty.">
            <div style="text-align:right; padding-right:10px;"><span class="icon-location-arrow icon-large"></span> <span id="SaleLocationsLink" style="color:red;">choose a location</span> </div>
            <div id="SaleLocationsDiv" style="background-color:#fff; border:1px dotted black; padding:8px 3px;">
              <div style="padding:2px 0px;">
                <pre><a href="./" class="SlidedownChoices">Jane Doe
            P.O. Box 384
            Acme, BB 666666</a></pre>
              <div style="padding:2px 0px;">
                <pre><a href="./" class="SlidedownChoices">Joe Blow
            123 Main St
            Someplace, AA 55555</a></pre>

            <div>Terms Conditions...</div>
            <TEXTAREA NAME="termsConditions" ID="termsConditions" ROWS="5"></TEXTAREA>
            <div style="text-align:right; padding-right:10px;"><span class="icon-location-arrow icon-large"></span> <span id="SalesTermsLink" style="color:red;">choose terms/conditions</span> </div>
            <div id="SalesTermsDiv" style="background-color:#fff; border:1px dotted black; padding:8px 3px;">
              <div style="padding:2px 0px;">
                <pre><a href="./" class="SlidedownChoices">Net30</a></pre>
              <div style="padding:2px 0px;">
                <pre><a href="./" class="SlidedownChoices">Cash Only</a></pre>
              <div style="padding:2px 0px;">
                <pre><a href="./" class="SlidedownChoices">Net15</a></pre>

            <TEXTAREA NAME="contact" id="contact" ROWS="5"></TEXTAREA>
            <div style="text-align:right; padding-right:10px;"><span class="icon-location-arrow icon-large"></span> <span id="ContactInformationLink" style="color:red;">choose contact information</span></div>
            <div id="ContactInformationDiv" style="background-color:#fff; border:1px dotted black; padding:8px 3px;">
              <div style="padding:2px 0px;">
                <pre><a href="./" class="SlidedownChoices">Mary Jane
            P.O. Box 69
            Up High, NY 90210</a></pre>


            //code for slide down choices
            //code for Sale Locations Slide Down
            if ($("#SaleLocationsDiv").length) { //does the div exist on the page
                $("#SaleLocationsDiv").hide(); //hide the div if it is not already
                $("#SaleLocationsLink").click(function () {
                    if ($("#SaleLocationsDiv").is(":hidden")) { //if the div is hidden then slide it down and change text
                        $("#SaleLocationsLink").html("hide sale locations");
                    } else { //if it is not hidden then hide it and change the text back
                        $("#SaleLocationsLink").html("choose a location");
                //code to add the location to the text area box
                $("a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e) {
                    //e is short for event
                    e.preventDefault(); //prevent the click event from going to a url
                    //You want to append the text of the anchor link into the textarea.
                    var innerTxt = $(this).text();
                    //need to trim whitespace from the string
                    innerTxt = $.trim(innerTxt);

                    var $obj = $("#saleLocation"); //replace this with textarea selector
                    $obj.val($obj.val() + '\n' + innerTxt + '\n');
                    //reset the sale locations slider
                    $("#SaleLocationsLink").html("choose a location");

            //code for Terms and Conditions Slide Down
            if ($("#SalesTermsDiv").length) { //does the div exist on the page
                $("#SalesTermsDiv").hide(); //hide the div if it is not already
                $("#SalesTermsLink").click(function () {
                    if ($("#SalesTermsDiv").is(":hidden")) { //if the div is hidden then slide it down and change text
                        $("#SalesTermsLink").html("hide terms/conditions");
                    } else { //if it is not hidden then hide it and change the text back
                        $("#SalesTermsLink").html("choose terms/conditions");
                //code to add the terms to the text area box
                $("a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e) {
                    //e is short for event
                    e.preventDefault(); //prevent the click event from going to a url
                    //You want to append the text of the anchor link into the textarea.
                    var innerTxt = $(this).text();
                    //need to trim whitespace from the string
                    innerTxt = $.trim(innerTxt);

                    var $obj = $("#termsConditions"); //replace this with textarea selector
                    $obj.val($obj.val() + '\n' + innerTxt + '\n');

                    //reset the sale locations slider
                    $("#SalesTermsLink").html("choose terms/conditions");

            //code for Contact Information Slide Down
            if ($("#ContactInformationDiv").length) { //does the div exist on the page
                $("#ContactInformationDiv").hide(); //hide the div if it is not already
                $("#ContactInformationLink").click(function () {
                    if ($("#ContactInformationDiv").is(":hidden")) { //if the div is hidden then slide it down and change text
                        $("#ContactInformationLink").html("hide contact information");
                    } else { //if it is not hidden then hide it and change the text back
                        $("#ContactInformationLink").html("choose contact information");
                //code to add the terms to the text area box
                $("a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e) {
                    //e is short for event
                    e.preventDefault(); //prevent the click event from going to a url
                    //You want to append the text of the anchor link into the textarea.
                    var innerTxt = $(this).text();
                    //need to trim whitespace from the string
                    innerTxt = $.trim(innerTxt);

                    var $obj = $("#contact"); //replace this with textarea selector
                    $obj.val($obj.val() + '\n' + innerTxt + '\n');

                    //reset the sale locations slider
                    $("#ContactInformationLink").html("choose contact information");

            //end code for slide down choices

3 に答える 3


すべての要素$("a.SlidedownChoices")に 3 つのクリック イベントを登録しているため、セレクターに問題があります。a.SlidedownChoices

を使用して特定の要素をターゲットにする必要があります$("#SaleLocationsDiv a.SlidedownChoices")


//code for slide down choices
//code for Sale Locations Slide Down
if ($("#SaleLocationsDiv").length) { //does the div exist on the page
    $("#SaleLocationsDiv").hide(); //hide the div if it is not already
    $("#SaleLocationsLink").click(function () {
        if ($("#SaleLocationsDiv").is(":hidden")) { //if the div is hidden then slide it down and change text
            $("#SaleLocationsLink").html("hide sale locations");
        } else { //if it is not hidden then hide it and change the text back
            $("#SaleLocationsLink").html("choose a location");
    //code to add the location to the text area box
    $("#SaleLocationsDiv a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e) {
        //e is short for event
        e.preventDefault(); //prevent the click event from going to a url
        //You want to append the text of the anchor link into the textarea.
        var innerTxt = $(this).text();
        //need to trim whitespace from the string
        innerTxt = $.trim(innerTxt);

        var $obj = $("#saleLocation"); //replace this with textarea selector
        $obj.val($obj.val() + '\n' + innerTxt + '\n');
        //reset the sale locations slider
        $("#SaleLocationsLink").html("choose a location");

//code for Terms and Conditions Slide Down
if ($("#SalesTermsDiv").length) { //does the div exist on the page
    $("#SalesTermsDiv").hide(); //hide the div if it is not already
    $("#SalesTermsLink").click(function () {
        if ($("#SalesTermsDiv").is(":hidden")) { //if the div is hidden then slide it down and change text
            $("#SalesTermsLink").html("hide terms/conditions");
        } else { //if it is not hidden then hide it and change the text back
            $("#SalesTermsLink").html("choose terms/conditions");
    //code to add the terms to the text area box
    $("#SalesTermsDiv a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e) {
        //e is short for event
        e.preventDefault(); //prevent the click event from going to a url
        //You want to append the text of the anchor link into the textarea.
        var innerTxt = $(this).text();
        //need to trim whitespace from the string
        innerTxt = $.trim(innerTxt);

        var $obj = $("#termsConditions"); //replace this with textarea selector
        $obj.val($obj.val() + '\n' + innerTxt + '\n');

        //reset the sale locations slider
        $("#SalesTermsLink").html("choose terms/conditions");

//code for Contact Information Slide Down
if ($("#ContactInformationDiv").length) { //does the div exist on the page
    $("#ContactInformationDiv").hide(); //hide the div if it is not already
    $("#ContactInformationLink").click(function () {
        if ($("#ContactInformationDiv").is(":hidden")) { //if the div is hidden then slide it down and change text
            $("#ContactInformationLink").html("hide contact information");
        } else { //if it is not hidden then hide it and change the text back
            $("#ContactInformationLink").html("choose contact information");
    //code to add the terms to the text area box
    $("#ContactInformationDiv a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e) {
        //e is short for event
        e.preventDefault(); //prevent the click event from going to a url
        //You want to append the text of the anchor link into the textarea.
        var innerTxt = $(this).text();
        //need to trim whitespace from the string
        innerTxt = $.trim(innerTxt);

        var $obj = $("#contact"); //replace this with textarea selector
        $obj.val($obj.val() + '\n' + innerTxt + '\n');

        //reset the sale locations slider
        $("#ContactInformationLink").html("choose contact information");

//end code for slide down choices


于 2013-07-18T03:57:32.957 に答える

これが発生する理由は、すべての選択リンクが呼び出されるためです: .SlidedownChoices

したがって、いずれかがクリックされると、3 つの関数すべてがトリガーされ、結果が各テキスト領域に追加されます。各セクションの .SlidedownChoices の名前を一意のクラスに変更するだけで機能します。

あるいは、本質的にまったく同じであるため、おそらくすべての機能を 1 つにまとめることもできます。data- 要素を使用して、特定のテキスト領域と選択肢をトリガーできます。


于 2013-07-18T03:57:38.370 に答える

クリック関数には、3 つのボックス内のすべてのリンクと一致するセレクターがありました。したがって、ユーザーがいずれかのオプションをクリックすると、3 つの関数がすべて実行され、それぞれのテキストエリアの値が変更されました。


例: 販売場所での使用:

$("#SaleLocationsDiv a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e)


$("a.SlidedownChoices").click(function (e)

JSFIDDLE リンク : JsFiddle

于 2013-07-18T03:57:44.337 に答える