クリックすると値を返すボタンに値を割り当てようとしています (より正確には、値を出力します)。唯一の注意点は、ボタンが for ループを使用して動的に作成されることです。
for ループで作成されたボタンに ID (およびその他の変数) を割り当てるにはどうすればよいですか?
#Example program to illustrate my issue with dynamic buttons.
from Tkinter import *
class my_app(Frame):
"""Basic Frame"""
def __init__(self, master):
"""Init the Frame"""
def Create_Widgets(self):
for i in range(1, 11): #Start creating buttons
self.button_id = i #This is meant to be the ID. How can I "attach" or "bind" it to the button?
print self.button_id
self.newmessage = Button(self, #I want to bind the self.button_id to each button, so that it prints its number when clicked.
text = "Button ID: %d" % (self.button_id),
anchor = W, command = lambda: self.access(self.button_id))#Run the method
self.newmessage.config(height = 3, width = 100)
self.newmessage.grid(column = 0, row = i, sticky = NW)
def access(self, b_id): #This is one of the areas where I need help. I want this to return the number of the button clicked.
self.b_id = b_id
print self.b_id #Print Button ID
#Root Stuff
root = Tk()
root.title("Tkinter Dynamics")
app = my_app(root)