JavaScript を使用せずに、ビューポート内に完全に収まるほど短い垂直セクション (「ページ」) に記事を自動的に分割する方法はありますか? 説明する ASCII アートを次に示します。
| === Some Title === |
| |
| You think water moves fast? it out. Now we took an oath, |
| You should see ice. It moves that I'm breaking now. We |
| like it has a mind. Like it said we'd say it was the |
| knows it killed the world snow that killed the other |
| once and got a taste for two, but it wasn't. Nature |
| murder. After the avalanche, is lethal but it doesn't |
| it took us a week to climb hold a candle to man. |
| out. Now, I don't know |
| exactly when we turned on Like you, I used to think |
| each other, but I know that the world was this great |
| seven of us survived the place where everybody lived |
| slide... and only five made by the same standards I did, |
| then some kid with a nail Dr. Wu inserted a gene that |
| showed me I was living in makes a single faulty enzyme |
| his world, a world where in protein metabolism. The |
| chaos rules not order, a animals can't manufacture the |
| world where righteousness is amino acid lysine. Unless |
| not rewarded. That's Cesar's they're continually supplied |
| world, and if you're not with lysine by us, they'll |
| willing to play by his rules, slip into a coma and die. |
| then you're gonna have to pay |
| the price. Do you see any Teletubbies in |
| The lysine contingency - here? Do you see a slender |
| it's intended to prevent the plastic tag clipped to my |
| spread of the animals is case shirt with my name printed on |
| they ever got off the island. it? |
優れたソリューションは、完全にセマンティックである必要はありませんが、JavaScript をまったく必要としません。