private void computeOrientation() {
if (SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(m_rotationMatrix, null, m_lastAccels, m_lastMagFields)) {
SensorManager.getOrientation(m_rotationMatrix, m_orientation);
/* 1 radian = 57.2957795 degrees */
* [0] : yaw, rotation around z axis [1] : pitch, rotation around x
* axis [2] : roll, rotation around y axis
float yaw = m_orientation[0] * 57.2957795f;
float pitch = m_orientation[1] * 57.2957795f;
float roll = m_orientation[2] * 57.2957795f;
/* append returns an average of the last 10 values */
m_lastYaw = m_filters[0].append(yaw);
m_lastPitch = m_filters[1].append(pitch);
m_lastRoll = m_filters[2].append(roll);
yawText.setText("azi z: " + m_lastYaw);
pitchText.setText("pitch x: " + m_lastPitch);
rollText.setText("roll y: " + m_lastRoll);
//Now I want to send those 3 values over the network
//whenever they're calculated
この関数は、私が推測する数ミリ秒ごとに呼び出されますonSensorChanged(SensorEvent event)
どうすればいいですか?ソケットを通して?AsyncTask? 始めるためのソースコードの例は大歓迎です =)