&& のようなブール演算子を含む if ステートメントの使用方法を学ぶために、基本的な「20 の質問」タイプのものを作成しようとしています。ただし、私の「if」ステートメントは、その基準が満たされているにもかかわらず、「実行中」ではありません (申し訳ありません) (私が知る限り)。
コンパイルすると、入力した「回答」に関係なく、「私が正しいかどうか尋ねます...」という唯一の出力が得られます ALA:
Think of an object, and I'll try to guess it!
1. Is it an animal, vegetable, or mineral?vegetable
Is it bigger than a breadbox?yes
I'd ask you if I'm right, but I don't really care
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
String response1, response2;
System.out.println("Think of an object, and I'll try to "
+ " guess it!");
System.out.print("1. Is it an animal, vegetable, or mineral?");
response1 = keyboard.next();
System.out.print("Is it bigger than a breadbox?");
response2 = keyboard.next();
if(response1 == "animal" && response2 == "yes")
System.out.println("You're thinking of a moose");
if(response1 == "animal" && response2 == "no")
System.out.println("You're thinking of a squirrel");
if(response1 == "vegetable" && response2 == "yes")
System.out.println("You're thinking of a watermelon");
if(response1 == "vegetable" && response2 == "no")
System.out.println("You're thinking of a carrot");
if(response1 == "mineral" && response2 == "yes")
System.out.println("You're thinking of a Camaro");
if(response1 == "mineral" && response2 == "no")
System.out.println("You're thinking of a paper clip");
System.out.println("I'd ask you if I'm right, but I don't really care");