私は戦艦ゲームを作り直しており、空のボードを保持する SEA という定数変数があります。ただし、変数は変更されており、その理由 (または場所) がわかりません。player_board への参照によって渡されていると思われます。player_board が変更されると、SEA も変更されます。どうすればそれが起こらないようにできますか? これが私のコードです。下部に表示されるのは、SEA を印刷したもので、変更されています。
from random import randint
#Constants and globals
FIRE = "X"
HIT = "*"
SIZE = 10
SHIPS = [5, 4, 3, 3, 2]
player_radar = []
player_board = []
player_ships = []
ai_radar = []
ai_board = []
ai_ships = []
class Ship(object):
def set_board(self, b):
self.ship_board = b
def edit(self, row, col, x):
self.ship_board[row][col] = x
def __repre__(self):
return self.ship_board
#Set up variables
last_ship = Ship() #Holds the last ship made in make_ship()
SEA = [] # Blank Board
for x in range(SIZE):
SEA.append([OCEAN] * SIZE)
def print_board():
for row in range(SIZE):
print " ".join(player_radar[row]), "||" , " ".join(player_board[row])
def random_row(is_vertical, size):
if is_vertical:
return randint(0, SIZE - size)
return randint(0, SIZE -1)
def random_col(is_vertical, size):
if is_vertical:
return randint(0, SIZE - 1)
return randint(size-1, SIZE -1)
def exists(row, col, b): # true if ocean
if row < 0 or row >= SIZE:
return 0
elif col < 0 or col >= SIZE:
return 0
if b[row][col] == OCEAN:
return 1
return 0
def make_ship(size, board):
#Find an unoccupied spot, then place ship on board
#Also put ship in last_ship
temp = []
temp = board
is_vertical = randint(0, 1) # vertical ship if true
occupied = True
occupied = False
ship_row = random_row(is_vertical, size)
ship_col = random_col(is_vertical, size)
if is_vertical:
for p in range(size):
if not exists(ship_row+p, ship_col, temp):
occupied = True
for p in range(size):
if not exists(ship_row, ship_col-p, temp):
occupied = True
#Place ship on boards
if is_vertical:
last_ship.edit(ship_row, ship_col, "^")
last_ship.edit(ship_row+size-1, ship_col, "v")
temp[ship_row][ship_col] = "^"
temp[ship_row+size-1][ship_col] = "v"
for p in range(size -2):
last_ship.edit(ship_row+p+1, ship_col, "+")
temp[ship_row+p+1][ship_col] = "+"
last_ship.edit(ship_row, ship_col, ">")
last_ship.edit(ship_row, ship_col-size+1, "<")
temp[ship_row][ship_col] = ">"
temp[ship_row][ship_col-size+1] = "<"
for p in range(size -2):
last_ship.edit(ship_row, ship_col-p-1, "+")
temp[ship_row][ship_col-p-1] = "+"
return temp
# Make the boards
player_radar = SEA
player_board = SEA
ai_radar = SEA
ai_board = SEA
for x in SHIPS:
player_board = make_ship(x, player_board)
#ai_board = make_ship(x, ai_board)
print "Let's play Battleship!"
for row in range(SIZE):
print " ".join(SEA[row])