条件の順列を 1 つのオブジェクトに抽象化できるように、binding_condition というテンプレート クラスを作成しました。現在、ラムダとチェックが必要な変数を渡すことで機能しますが、参照している変数をキャプチャする必要があるため、ラムダは誤解を招く可能性があります。


bool someVal = true;
int h = 10;
double p = 99.8;
char c = 'C';

binding_condition<bool> bc(
    [] (bool b) 
{ return b; }, 

binding_condition<bool, int> bc2(
    [] (bool b, int i) 
{ return b && (i > 9); }, 
someVal, h);

binding_condition<bool, int, double> bc3(
    [] (bool b, int i, double d) 
{ return b && (i > 9) && (d < 100); }, 
someVal, h, p);

binding_condition<bool, int, double, char> bc4(
    [] (bool b, int i, double d, char c) 
{ return b && (i > 9) && (d < 100) && c == 'C'; }, 
someVal, h, p, c);

これにより、複雑な条件を 1 つの名前に抽象化できます。

if (ThisComplexCondition) ...
else if (ThisOtherComplexCondition ...


 binding_condition<bool, int, double> ComplexCondition = myClass.isTrue() && someThing.id < 100 && someDouble > 30.2;


// analyzing chords in music to roman numeral notation, detect modulations, etc

// isChordRelatedToKey (the chord can be made from the current key

// isNeopolitan (the chord is a bii6 of the current key
   // is major
   // letter() is II/ii (ie C# major in C major is not a neapolitan, but Db major is)

// isSecondaryDominant 
   // chord is major
   // chord is dominant of next chord (requires a new temporary key of next chord

// isSecondaryDiminished
   // chord is diminished, and is the viio of the next chord
// all other forms of secondary, which means a ii/V in C major is A minor, which is also the vi of the key, and the iii/IV is also A minor

// nested secondary chords ie I - V - V/V - vii/V/V (C major, G major, D major, C# diminished)  

// isModulation
   // the current string of chords is not related to the current Key anymore


if (isModulation) ...
if (isSecondary) ... // recursive
if (isChordNoRelation) ... // some chord that makes no sense from previous string




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