from sys import exit
def dead(why):
print why, "Better luck next time in the next life!"
def strange_man():
print """As you take way on to your adventure... You meet this strange man.
He tells you that he can not be trusted. He tells you that the door on the
right is going to be good. He also tells you that the left door will lead you to good
as well. But you cannot trust him... Which door do you pick?"""
next = raw_input("Do you choose the left door or right? \n >")
if next == "left" or "Left":
elif next == "right" or "Right":
dead("You are drunk and can't seem to choose a door. Bye.")
def good_door():
print """You seem to have chosen a door that has three distinct routes. You still do not know
whether or not your choice of doors were correct... You hesitate to choose which route you take
but you have to choose..."""
next = raw_input("Which route do you choose? You have an option between Route 1, Route 2, or Route 3 \n >")
if "Route 1" in next:
print "Wow! You can't believe it! You are in heaven! You seem to have chosen the right door."
elif "Route 2" in next:
dead("You walk ahead into this route and then you suddenly fall and then a log hits your head, it seems like it was a trap. You're left a bloody mess.")
def desert():
print """You walk into a desert and it's unbearably hot... You have two options... You stay here and hope
that somebody will save you, or you keep walking... Which one do you choose?"""
next = raw_input("Do you choose to stay or move? \n >")
if "stay" in next:
dead("You die of thirst")
elif "move" in next:
def evil_door():
print """You enter this door and you see two routes, which one do you choose?"""
next = raw_input("You choose from the left route or the right route. \n >")
if next == "left":
dead("The route you chose seems to only go to Hell... You see satan and he eats you.")
私の問題は、strange_man 関数にあります。「正しい」を選択すると、本来の悪のドア関数ではなく、良いドアの関数に戻ります...なぜこれを行っているのかわかりません! 私はそれを正しく持っているようです:/
これは、独自の CLI テキスト ゲームを作成する Learn Python The Hard Way の ex36 用です...