既存のリストと現在のクエリを照合する LINQ クエリを作成していました。しかし、次のようなエラーが表示されます( 'Vibrant.Areas.Acquisition.Models.BibContentsModel' 型の定数値を作成できません。このコンテキストでは、プリミティブ型 ('Int32、String、および Guid' など) のみがサポートされています。)。問題を見つけるのを手伝ってください。
FinalRRidInt = FinalRRid.Select(int.Parse).ToList();
List<BibContentsModel> InitData = RRData().ToList();
var FinalModel = (from aa in db.RecommendResources
where FinalRRidInt.Contains(aa.Id)
select new
RRId = aa.Id,
CurrentTitle = aa.Title,
CurrentISBN = aa.ISBN,
CurrentAuthor = aa.Author,
NewBibContentsModel = (from rr in InitData
where rr.Title.Contains(aa.Title) || rr.ISBN.Contains(aa.ISBN)
select new BibContentsModel
RRId = aa.Id,
BibId = rr.BibId,
Title = rr.Title,
Author = rr.Author,
}).GroupBy(asd => asd.BibId).Select(asd => asd.FirstOrDefault())
}).AsEnumerable().Select(x => new RRModel
RRId = x.RRId,
CurrentAuthor = x.CurrentAuthor,
CurrentISBN = x.CurrentISBN,
CurrentTitle = x.CurrentTitle,
NewBibContentsModel = x.NewBibContentsModel.ToList()
InitData List の Sql Query メソッド
public List<BibContentsModel> RRData()
List<BibContentsModel> Initdata = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<BibContentsModel>("select distinct b.id as BibId, stuff((select ' ' + bcc.NormValue from BibContents as bcc where bcc.BibId = b.Id and bcc.TagNo = '245' FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') as Title,(select top(1) Normvalue from bibcontents bcon where (bcon.tagno='020' or bcon.tagno='022') and bcon.sfld='a' and bcon.bibid=b.id) as ISBN,(select top(1) Normvalue from bibcontents bcon where bcon.tagno='100' and bcon.sfld='a' and bcon.bibid=b.id) as Author from bibs b left join bibcontents bc on b.id=bc.bibid").ToList();
return Initdata;