私は約 1 時間頭を悩ませてきましたが、Google の使用は限定的であることが証明されています。グラフを含むレポートの Makefile があります。グラフは、graphs/ ディレクトリ内の .plot ファイルによって表され、gnuplot を使用して、それらから .tex および .eps ファイルを生成します。次に、ps2pdf を使用して .eps から pdf を生成し、最後に\include
report.tex 内のコマンドでグラフ .tex をドキュメントに含めます。ドキュメントには再びグラフ .pdf を含めて、グラフを最終的な report.pdf に入れます。
すべてを正しくビルドする Makefile がありますが、何らかの理由で、make を実行するたびに report.pdf を再作成する必要があります。出力を読むと、Make は「ターゲットmp-int-2.4-i をmake -d
リメイクする必要があります」と言うことがわかります。mp-int-2.4-ni'." and "Must remake target
ただし、これらは PHONY として宣言されているため、依存するものが変更されない限り、作り直すべきではありません。または、少なくともそう思いましたか?
GRAPHS := mp-int-2.4-ni mp-int-2.4-i
.PRECIOUS : graphs/%.pdf
report.pdf: report.tex $(GRAPHS)
# ...
$(GRAPHS): %: graphs/%.pdf graphs/%.tex
graphs/%.pdf: graphs/%.eps
# ...
graphs/%.tex graphs/%.eps: graphs/%.plot
# ...
make -d
make がすでに実行された後
$ make -d | grep -Ev "Trying|Reject|Avoid|intermediate"
Considering target file `report.pdf'.
Considering target file `report.tex'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `report.tex'.
No implicit rule found for `report.tex'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `report.tex'.
No need to remake target `report.tex'.
Considering target file `mp-int-2.4-i'.
File `mp-int-2.4-i' does not exist.
Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
No implicit rule found for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.eps' of target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf' does not exist.
No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot' is older than target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `mp-int-2.4-i'.
Must remake target `mp-int-2.4-i'.
Successfully remade target file `mp-int-2.4-i'.
Considering target file `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
File `mp-int-2.4-ni' does not exist.
Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
No implicit rule found for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.eps' of target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf' does not exist.
No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot' is older than target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
Must remake target `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
Successfully remade target file `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `report.pdf'.
Prerequisite `report.tex' is older than target `report.pdf'.
Prerequisite `mp-int-2.4-i' of target `report.pdf' does not exist.
Prerequisite `mp-int-2.4-ni' of target `report.pdf' does not exist.
Must remake target `report.pdf'.
以下の Etan Reisner からの回答後の Makefile の作業:
GRAPHS := mp-int-2.4-i mp-int-2.4-ni
GRAPHS_WD := $(addprefix graphs/,$(GRAPHS))
REAL_GRAPHS := $(addsuffix .pdf,$(GRAPHS_WD)) $(addsuffix .tex,$(GRAPH_SWD))
.PHONY : clean
report.pdf: report.tex $(REAL_GRAPHS)
# ...
graphs/%.pdf: graphs/%.eps
# ..
graphs/%.tex graphs/%.eps: graphs/%.plot
# ..