bugID | name | description | comment
1 | bug1 | first bug | <p></p>
1 | bug1 | first bug | <p>this is the first bug</p>
1 | bug1 | first bug | <p>this needs fixing</p>
2 | bug2 | second bug | <p>this is the second bug</p>
3 | bug3 | third bug | <p>bug number 3</p>
select * from this table を実行すると、次のようにレコードを取得したい
1, bug1, first bug, <p></p>, <p>this is the first bug</p>, <p>this needs fixing</p>
2, bug2, second bug, <p>this is the second bug</p>
3, bug3, third bug, <p>bug number 3</p>