MySql テーブルに 90Mb のデータを挿入する必要があり、重複キーの例外を回避するために INSERT IGNORE コマンドを使用しています。パフォーマンスは 1 秒間に 8 レコードですが、非常に遅いようです。私はそれを速くすることができますか?
ps SQLコンパクトデータベースからデータを読み取ったため、レコードごとにレコードを挿入しています
using (SqlCeConnection sqlConnection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionstrCe))
SqlCeCommand cmdCe = sqlConnection.CreateCommand();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> t in tablesCeNames) //reading the tables property from the dictionary - column names and datatypes
string tableData = t.Key;
List<string> columnData = t.Value;
//get the values from the table I want to transfer the data
cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + tableData;
//compose the mysql command
cmdCe.CommandText = cmdText;
SqlCeDataReader dataReader = cmdCe.ExecuteReader(); //read
//InsertTable is a method that get the datareader and convert all the data from this table in a list array with the values to insert
inputValues = InsertTables(dataReader);
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTransaction transakcija;
transakcija = mySQLConnection.BeginTransaction();
worker.ReportProgress(4, inputValues.Count);
foreach (string val in inputValues)//foreach row of values of the data table
cmdSqlText = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tableData + "("; //compose the command for sql
foreach (string cName in columnData) //forach column in a table
string[] data = cName.Split(' ');
if (!data[0].ToString().Equals("Id"))
cmdSqlText += data[0].ToString() + ","; //write the column names of the values that will be inserted
cmdSqlText = cmdSqlText.TrimEnd(',');
cmdSqlText += ") VALUES (";
//val contains the values of this current record that i want to insert
cmdSqlText += val; //final command with insert ignore and the values of one record
if (!val.Equals(""))
new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(cmdSqlText, mySQLConnection, transakcija).ExecuteNonQuery(); //execute insert on sql database
WriteToTxt("uspješno upisano u mysql" + t.Key);
catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException sqlEx)
if (TablicaSveOK)
if (mySQLConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)