

  • サーバーからダウンロードされたJSONを介して取り込まれているListViewがあります。

  • このリストビューには pickup_time (文字列) があり、現在の時刻と pickup_time の時間差を計算しています

  • 私がやろうとしているのは、textView と textView.setBackgroundColor を使用して計算した時間の差に応じて、割り当てられた pickup_time に緑、黄、または赤の円のイメージをロードすることです。リストビューで。

  • ListView WASは正しく機能し、情報を正しく表示していました。最近、緑/黄/赤の画像を対応する pickup_time 文字列に追加しようとしただけですが、これがクラッシュする場所であり、助けが必要です。


ここでは、AsyncTask を使用して listView にデータを入力しています。気がつけば、私はparse_ready_at(JobsArray, i1);を持っています。ここで時差を計算しています。

 public class Jobs extends ListActivity {

String NEW_JOB = " ";

Vibrator vib;

boolean reloadOnResume;

TextView assigned;

static ProjectDebug LOGCAT = new ProjectDebug();
ProgressDialogManager pDialog = new ProgressDialogManager();

// Hashmap for ListView
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> contactList;

int PU_time_until_late;
int DEL_time_until_late;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    getWindow().setLayout (LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT /* width */ , LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT /* height */); 

    vib = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
    assigned = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.assigned);  

    RELOAD = true;
    Jobs.this.setTitle("My Jobs");

    reloadOnResume = false;


    // selecting single ListView item
    final ListView lv = getListView();

    // Launching new screen on Selecting Single ListItem
    lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long ide) {

                // Starting new intent 
         try {  Intent in = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), SingleMenuItemActivity.class); 

                in.putExtra("jobInfo", JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString()); 
                in.putExtra(pays, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(customer_name, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(job, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(ready_at, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(due_by, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(customer_reference, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pieces, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(weight, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(signature_required, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(acknowledged, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_actual_datetime, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());

                // Pickup Info
                in.putExtra(pickup_name, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_addr1, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_city, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_state, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_to_see, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_room, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_phone, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_zip_postal, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(pickup_special_instr, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());

                // Deliver Info
                in.putExtra(deliver_name, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_addr1, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_city, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_state, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_zip_postal, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_to_see, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_room, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_special_instr, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());
                in.putExtra(deliver_phone, JOBS.getJSONObject(position).toString());


                Jobs.this.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fadein, R.anim.fadeout); 

                } catch (Exception e) { 


private void VerifyDriverCredentials() {
    if (jobs_assigned == 0){
        assigned.setText("You have no jobs assigned");
    if (jobs_assigned > 0 && reloadOnResume == false) {
        new ParseJobs().execute();


public class ParseJobs extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

    String DEL_late = "del_late";
    String PU_late = " pu_late";

    int i1 = 0;

    protected void onPreExecute() {     

        pDialog.showProgressDialog(Jobs.this, "Performing calculations", "Loading... Please Wait...");

    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {

                contactList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();

            // looping through All Contacts
        try {   for (i1 = 0; i1 < JOBS.length(); i1++) {
                        JobsArray = JOBS.getJSONObject(i1);
                        JOB = JobsArray.getString(job);
                        ON_TIME_PERFORMANCE = JobsArray.getString(on_time_performance);             

                        // creating new HashMap
                        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

                        // adding each child node to HashMap key => value
                        map.put(job, JobsArray.getString(job));
                        map.put(pays, JobsArray.getString(pays));
                        map.put(ready_at, JobsArray.getString(ready_at));
                        map.put(due_by, JobsArray.getString(due_by));
                        map.put(new_job, JobsArray.getString(new_job));

                        //map.put(PU_late, Integer.toString(PU_time_until_late));
                        //map.put(DEL_late, Integer.toString(DEL_time_until_late));

                        // adding HashList to ArrayList
                    } catch (JSONException e) { 


                                parse_ready_at(JobsArray, i1);

        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {

        if  (JOB != null) { assigned.setText("");                           } 
        else              { assigned.setText("You have no jobs assigned");  }


            /** Updating parsed JSON data into ListView */
        ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(Jobs.this, contactList, R.layout.list_item, new String[] { job, pays, ready_at, due_by, new_job, PU_late, DEL_late}, 
                                       new int[] { R.id.job1, R.id.pays1, R.id.ready_at1, R.id.due_by1, R.id.newjob1, R.id.imageViewReadyAt, R.id.imageViewDueBy });

        TextView imageViewReadyAt = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.imageViewReadyAt);
        //Change color/answer/etc for textView_5

                if ( PU_time_until_late > 60) {                                     // if more than 60 minutes

                if ( PU_time_until_late < 60) {                                     //if less than 60

                if ( PU_time_until_late < 30) {                                     // if less than 30

                if ( PU_time_until_late < 1) {                                      // if less than 1 minutes




public void parse_ready_at(JSONObject JobsArray, int i1) {

                String parse_ready_at_ARRAY;
                String tracking_Number;         

        try {   for (i1 = 0; i1 < JOBS.length(); i1++) {
                    JobsArray = JOBS.getJSONObject(i1);

                    parse_ready_at_ARRAY = JobsArray.getString(ready_at);
                    tracking_Number = JobsArray.getString(job);

                //Example of ready_at String --> "ready_at": "07/25/2012 08:26:00 PM" we split time from date to get time only

  SimpleDateFormat parserSDF = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss a"); // <--- Correct format to read "lastLatitudeUpdate"             
        try {   parserSDF.parse(parse_ready_at_ARRAY);      

        catch   (ParseException e) {    LOGCAT.DEBUG("JOBS parse_ready_at", "Error parsing tracking number = " + tracking_Number + "      ready_at Array = " + parse_ready_at_ARRAY + " Error = " + e.toString());      } 

                    /* ################################################
                     * ####     DISSECTING READY_AT STRING ARRAY    ###
                     * ################################################
                String[] dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME = parse_ready_at_ARRAY.split(" ");       // Splitting space between 07/25/2012 and 08:26:00 and PM
                String   get_ready_at_DATE = String.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME[0]);  // Set at 0 because we want date.  07-25-2012
                String   get_ready_at_TIME = String.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME[1]);  // Set at 1 because we want time.  08:26:00
                String   get_ready_at_AMPM = String.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME[2]);   // Set at 2 because we want AM PM. 

                    /* ########################################################
                     * ####     GETTING DATE FROM READY_AT STRING ARRAY     ###
                     * ########################################################
                String[]  dissect_ready_at_DATE = get_ready_at_DATE.split("/");              // Splitting the / between 07 and 25 and 2012 from 07/25/2012
                     int  get_ready_at_MONTH = Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE[0]);    // Set at 0 because we want month. 07
                     int  get_ready_at_DAY =   Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE[1]);    // Set at 1 because we want day.   25
                     int  get_ready_at_YEAR =  Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE[2]);    // Set at 2 because we want yeay.  2012

                    /* ########################################################
                     * ####     GETTING TIME FROM READY_AT STRING ARRAY     ###
                     * ########################################################
                String[]  dissect_ready_at_TIME = get_ready_at_TIME.split(":");              // Splitting the : between 08 and   26 and 00 
                     int  get_ready_at_HOUR = Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_TIME[0]);     // Set at 0 because we want hour.   08
                     int  get_ready_at_MINUTE = Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_TIME[1]);   // Set at 1 because we want minute. 26 

                    /* ################################################################
                     * ####     CONVERT HOUR FROM READY_AT STRING TO MILITARY TIME  ###
                     * ################################################################
                     int convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = 0;                              // By default, ready_at String is in 12 hour format. we need to fix it so it is military time.

                     if (get_ready_at_AMPM.contentEquals("PM")) {                            // Checking to see if ready_at String has a PM at the end
                         convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = get_ready_at_HOUR + 12;         // If it does, add 12 so we can get military time           

                     if (get_ready_at_HOUR == 12 & get_ready_at_AMPM.contentEquals("PM")  ) {// If hour is set at 12 PM, leave it at 12
                         convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = 12;

                     if (get_ready_at_AMPM.matches("AM"))  {                                 // Do Nothing if its AM
                         convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = get_ready_at_HOUR + 0;

                    /* ############################################################
                     * ####     GET THE CURRENT DATE/TIME FROM USERS DEVICE     ###
                     * ############################################################
                     int    current_MONTH =  Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH);        // Get todays month
                     int    current_DAY =    Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // Get todays date
                     int    current_YEAR =   Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);         // Get todays year

                     int    current_HOUR =   Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);  // Get todays Hour in military format
                     int    current_MINUTE = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE);       // Get todays minute         

                     int current_year_FIXUP = current_YEAR - 1900;          // example, this year is 2013, subtract 1900 you get 113 which is what Date parameter is requesting
                     int get_ready_at_year_FIXUP = get_ready_at_YEAR - 1900;

                     int get_ready_at_MONTH_FIXUP =  // * We dont need to fixup current_MONTH because java has already done so
                             get_ready_at_MONTH - 1; // <-- we subtract 1 because according to parameters, January starts at 0 and December is 11 

                      *  How to use Date(int, int, int) 
                      *     *Parameters*
                      *         - year  the year, 0 is 1900. 
                      *         - month  the month, 0 - 11. 
                      *         - day  the day of the month, 1 - 31 

                     Date ready_at_time = new Date(get_ready_at_year_FIXUP, get_ready_at_MONTH_FIXUP, get_ready_at_DAY); // (2010, June, 20th) = (110, 5, 20) June is 5  instead of 6 because we start 
                     Date current_time = new Date(current_year_FIXUP, current_MONTH, current_DAY);                       // January at 0 in Java. As for days, it starts at 1 like normal.

                     int days_between = Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(current_time), new DateTime(ready_at_time)).getDays();    // Get the difference in days of current date and ready_at date

                     int minutes_difference_in_days_between = days_between * 1440;  // 1440 minutes = 1 day. multiply with the date difference of int days_between to get the minutes between those days.

                        /* ############################################################################
                         * ####     FINAL OUTPUT OF CALCULATING TIMES FROM CURRENT AND READY_AT     ###
                         * ############################################################################
                     int current_TOTAL_MINUTES = current_HOUR * 60 + current_MINUTE;    // Multiply hour by 60 to get the minutes in the hour = RIGHT NOW'S time in minute format
                     int ready_at_TOTAL_MINUTES = convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military * 60 + get_ready_at_MINUTE + minutes_difference_in_days_between;

                     PU_time_until_late = ready_at_TOTAL_MINUTES - current_TOTAL_MINUTES;

                LOGCAT.DEBUG("READY_AT " + tracking_Number,"'" + days_between + "'" + " days between today and when the package is scheduled for pickup");

                LOGCAT.DEBUG("READY_AT " + tracking_Number, "ready_at String's time = "   + parse_ready_at_ARRAY +
                               "      Time now in Minutes = "      + current_TOTAL_MINUTES + 
                               "      ready_at time in Minutes = " + ready_at_TOTAL_MINUTES +
                               "      Minutes left to complete pickup = " + PU_time_until_late + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " ");

        catch (Exception e) {
                LOGCAT.DEBUG("Jobs", "Error Splitting/Converting ready_at Time");


public void GetWindowParameters() {
    WindowManager.LayoutParams params = getWindow().getAttributes();

/*  params.x = 0;
    params.height = 480;
    params.width = 480;
    params.y = 160; */
    params.y = 160;
    params.height = 600;
    params.dimAmount = .70f;

時差を取得するコードは次のとおりです **public void parse_ready_at()***警告* これを行うためのはるかに簡単な方法があると確信していますが、私は初心者で、それ以上のことは知りません笑

    public void parse_ready_at(JSONObject JobsArray, int i1) {

                String parse_ready_at_ARRAY;
                String tracking_Number;         

        try {   for (i1 = 0; i1 < JOBS.length(); i1++) {
                    JobsArray = JOBS.getJSONObject(i1);

                    parse_ready_at_ARRAY = JobsArray.getString(ready_at);
                    tracking_Number = JobsArray.getString(job);

                //Example of ready_at String --> "ready_at": "07/25/2012 08:26:00 PM" we split time from date to get time only

    SimpleDateFormat parserSDF = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss a"); // <--- Correct format to read "lastLatitudeUpdate"               
        try {   parserSDF.parse(parse_ready_at_ARRAY);      

        catch   (ParseException e) {    LOGCAT.DEBUG("JOBS parse_ready_at", "Error parsing tracking number = " + tracking_Number + "      ready_at Array = " + parse_ready_at_ARRAY + " Error = " + e.toString());      } 

                    /* ################################################
                     * ####     DISSECTING READY_AT STRING ARRAY    ###
                     * ################################################
                String[] dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME = parse_ready_at_ARRAY.split(" ");       // Splitting space between 07/25/2012 and 08:26:00 and PM
                String   get_ready_at_DATE = String.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME[0]);  // Set at 0 because we want date.  07-25-2012
                String   get_ready_at_TIME = String.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME[1]);  // Set at 1 because we want time.  08:26:00
                String   get_ready_at_AMPM = String.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE_TIME[2]);   // Set at 2 because we want AM PM. 

                    /* ########################################################
                     * ####     GETTING DATE FROM READY_AT STRING ARRAY     ###
                     * ########################################################
                String[]  dissect_ready_at_DATE = get_ready_at_DATE.split("/");              // Splitting the / between 07 and 25 and 2012 from 07/25/2012
                     int  get_ready_at_MONTH = Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE[0]);    // Set at 0 because we want month. 07
                     int  get_ready_at_DAY =   Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE[1]);    // Set at 1 because we want day.   25
                     int  get_ready_at_YEAR =  Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_DATE[2]);    // Set at 2 because we want yeay.  2012

                    /* ########################################################
                     * ####     GETTING TIME FROM READY_AT STRING ARRAY     ###
                     * ########################################################
                String[]  dissect_ready_at_TIME = get_ready_at_TIME.split(":");              // Splitting the : between 08 and   26 and 00 
                     int  get_ready_at_HOUR = Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_TIME[0]);     // Set at 0 because we want hour.   08
                     int  get_ready_at_MINUTE = Integer.valueOf(dissect_ready_at_TIME[1]);   // Set at 1 because we want minute. 26 

                    /* ################################################################
                     * ####     CONVERT HOUR FROM READY_AT STRING TO MILITARY TIME  ###
                     * ################################################################
                     int convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = 0;                              // By default, ready_at String is in 12 hour format. we need to fix it so it is military time.

                     if (get_ready_at_AMPM.contentEquals("PM")) {                            // Checking to see if ready_at String has a PM at the end
                         convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = get_ready_at_HOUR + 12;         // If it does, add 12 so we can get military time           

                     if (get_ready_at_HOUR == 12 & get_ready_at_AMPM.contentEquals("PM")  ) {// If hour is set at 12 PM, leave it at 12
                         convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = 12;

                     if (get_ready_at_AMPM.matches("AM"))  {                                 // Do Nothing if its AM
                         convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military = get_ready_at_HOUR + 0;

                    /* ############################################################
                     * ####     GET THE CURRENT DATE/TIME FROM USERS DEVICE     ###
                     * ############################################################
                     int    current_MONTH =  Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH);        // Get todays month
                     int    current_DAY =    Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // Get todays date
                     int    current_YEAR =   Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);         // Get todays year

                     int    current_HOUR =   Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);  // Get todays Hour in military format
                     int    current_MINUTE = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE);       // Get todays minute         

                     int current_year_FIXUP = current_YEAR - 1900;          // example, this year is 2013, subtract 1900 you get 113 which is what Date parameter is requesting
                     int get_ready_at_year_FIXUP = get_ready_at_YEAR - 1900;

                     int get_ready_at_MONTH_FIXUP =  // * We dont need to fixup current_MONTH because java has already done so
                             get_ready_at_MONTH - 1; // <-- we subtract 1 because according to parameters, January starts at 0 and December is 11 

                      *  How to use Date(int, int, int) 
                      *     *Parameters*
                      *         - year  the year, 0 is 1900. 
                      *         - month  the month, 0 - 11. 
                      *         - day  the day of the month, 1 - 31 

                     Date ready_at_time = new Date(get_ready_at_year_FIXUP, get_ready_at_MONTH_FIXUP, get_ready_at_DAY); // (2010, June, 20th) = (110, 5, 20) June is 5  instead of 6 because we start 
                     Date current_time = new Date(current_year_FIXUP, current_MONTH, current_DAY);                       // January at 0 in Java. As for days, it starts at 1 like normal.

                     int days_between = Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(current_time), new DateTime(ready_at_time)).getDays();    // Get the difference in days of current date and ready_at date

                     int minutes_difference_in_days_between = days_between * 1440;  // 1440 minutes = 1 day. multiply with the date difference of int days_between to get the minutes between those days.

                        /* ############################################################################
                         * ####     FINAL OUTPUT OF CALCULATING TIMES FROM CURRENT AND READY_AT     ###
                         * ############################################################################
                     int current_TOTAL_MINUTES = current_HOUR * 60 + current_MINUTE;    // Multiply hour by 60 to get the minutes in the hour = RIGHT NOW'S time in minute format
                     int ready_at_TOTAL_MINUTES = convert_ready_at_HOUR_to_military * 60 + get_ready_at_MINUTE + minutes_difference_in_days_between;

                     PU_time_until_late = ready_at_TOTAL_MINUTES - current_TOTAL_MINUTES;

                LOGCAT.DEBUG("READY_AT " + tracking_Number,"'" + days_between + "'" + " days between today and when the package is scheduled for pickup");

                LOGCAT.DEBUG("READY_AT " + tracking_Number, "ready_at String's time = "   + parse_ready_at_ARRAY +
                               "      Time now in Minutes = "      + current_TOTAL_MINUTES + 
                               "      ready_at time in Minutes = " + ready_at_TOTAL_MINUTES +
                               "      Minutes left to complete pickup = " + PU_time_until_late + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " ");

        catch (Exception e) {
                LOGCAT.DEBUG("Jobs", "Error Splitting/Converting ready_at Time");



基本的に、私はこれらのライトをオンタイム、レイトなどに似せたいと思っています...黄金のスプーンで餌を与えられているようには見えません.正しい方向へのいくつかのガイダンスだけです. ありがとう!

ここで編集するのは、含めるのを忘れていた私のスタック トレースです。onPostExecute でヌル ポインター例外が発生しています。私は textView を宣言し、すでに onCreate で定義しています。ListAdapter でも既に適切に呼び出していると思います。

 if ( PU_ time_until_late < 60) { imageViewReadyAt.setBackgroundColor (R.drawable.green_light);  }

編集さて、imageViewReadyAt Textviewを呼び出すときにnull例外が発生する理由がわかりました。そのテキストビューは、カスタム list_item に属する別の XML に属しています。それでも、いくつかの助けを借りることができます。


2 に答える 2



于 2013-08-05T05:08:56.453 に答える